

1 min

Rendezvous with all,

Made her heart's joy like mountains tall; 


They thought,

She never matched their thinking process!

With the crowd, yet not in the crowd, they thought, she was,

Still in crude nature;

Truth says,

She wanted to be herself although without aping someone's stature!

She liked to "converse" all day long, be it poetry or details about any song,

She liked to tell about Buddha, great or just a formula about costing freight,

She could tell the mass of the moon, or could spell out a tough word soon;

She liked to read and write alike but never in appreciation, got any hike!

People saw her as a chatterbox,

But they were the ones who asked her all...

Her words became her enemies,

She hated her tongue, eventually!

She found solace in her pen, and have cocooned herself in her little den!

Now she stopped visiting them, maybe they feel her absence,

But when she started thinking with her mind,

She gained a little sense!

She read somewhere, even respect could be served 


It's wise to leave the table,

Where serving respect was just a fable!

That girl is none but "me",

And if we ever meet,

At least,

Say the last goodbye to me!

I'll keep my tongue in place,

And never bring you any disgrace!

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