Pipi Longstocking

Pipi Longstocking

1 min

There is a strong girl nearby,

Who has an independent home,

She doesn’t have a family,

Just lives there all alone.

She is Pippi Longstocking,

A girl with red hair,

Her home skills like cooking and stitching are great,

She loves making two little braids.

She saves peoples life,

Even though she is just nine years old,

She fought from thieves in a funny way,

To protect her suitcase full of gold.

She is an expert thing-finder,

And clumsy little girl,

But on a thin rope tied high up,

She can not only walk but also easily swirl.

Her friends are Tommy and Annika,

Her well-mannered and systematic neighbors,

She lives with Mr.Nillson, a monkey and a horse,

That’s why she is so very famous.

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