Nation Builder

Nation Builder

1 min

I am Indian, I am Indian

What can we do for India?

Brings higher education and technology

Stop cast-religion fights, racism, inequality

My breath and blood should utilised for Indian

Beliefs, kindness, patience are knockdown of nation

Throw all laziness from our life and do hard working for human

Preserve good culture qualities of citizen

Make India strong by being hardworking person

Take good ideas and excellent morals

Aims, objec

tives and effective traditional

Give justice to all humanity

To Make strong our democracy

I am Indian, I am Indian

What can we do for India?

Good politician ensures progress of India

Bad politician pushes us towards weak India

Broad thinking makes ideal citizen

Selfish thoughts ceases progress of person

Narrow mind destroy our united nation

So protect always our rights and emotion

I am Indian, I am Indian

What can we do for India?

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