My First Day at School
My First Day at School
The table is covered, my parents are happy,
I am observing everyone; don’t know what’s happening!
Chocolates, sweets and my favourite biscuits,
a new bag, water bottle and shoes?
Everyone is looking at me expectantly
“Be good, do not cry, speak with everyone,” said my mother.
What is happening? Where am I going now?
“Let’s leave for the school, my dear”, said my father, I am devastated.
With tears in my eyes, I enter the school
Teachers shouting and children alone.
Where are my paren
ts? They have already gone.
My tears do not stop, my eyes are swollen.
Everyone looks at the other fearfully,
The teachers are trying to be with everyone, playfully.
A wooden horse, cars, blocks and teddy bears,
All are waiting for the children, but they are alone.
Children cry children sleep and they wait for their parents
And when the parents finally come? They forget their tears.
Ah! My first day of the school, I will never forget,
That’s how life is - with tears, hope and happiness.