Life, Handle With Care

Life, Handle With Care

1 min

Life has twists and turns

Life has U-Turns and Z-Turns

It’s a zig-zag life

Life, is no guarantee life ǁ

We are born weeping

We cry and cry to grow in life

We become old without any strategy

We leave this world unhesitatingly ǁ

One should not die due to diseases

Death may be sure to snatch our life

God is great to safeguard us

No worry to die for unknown reasons ǁ

Life is not all to walk on red carpet

Life is like leaves fall from Tree

Life to de-dock from Universe

No one to lose life due to sufferance on earth ǁ

The life is one to handle with care

"ql-align-center">Life has death as everyone to know

Life is a life, as one has to know

One has to live forever in this world ǁ

No one to suffer on the Earth

No one to struggle in the life

No one to combat in the life

No one to die due to ailments ǁ

Life is a life that one has to accept

Good or bad, life is to live

Fulfill the dream of life

Don’t worry about the life’s destiny ǁ

I know, you know and everybody know

Life will end as per its turn

No worry about death, it’s common to all

It’s early for few, and it’s delay for some ǁ


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