Letter To Younger Me

Letter To Younger Me

1 min

Dear Rajveer,

I know you will be curious,

To know about the letter,

Which is sent from the future to you.

Well, I agree Superman and wolverine,

Still, wait for your new league formation,

But I am here to speak out the truth,

Which may ruin your expectations.

Do you still survive the boring tutions,

Or did you started studying,

Does that pujan still tops the class,

And have you still not given up back bitching.

Are you still scared of horror films,

Do you still do cree

py pranks,

Or does your anxiety still trouble you,

And do you still get that dream of bloody tanks?

Do you still see that match,

Where people laugh,

On your shrinks and screams,

Increasing when you are down on the floor.

Is Jayna still single,

And does she still sways her hair?

While she sits at the balcony,

She removes the diary,

To write a new love story

All problems will go,

Be strong,

As you face more in your future,

Maybe you will be the next avenger.

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