Let Us Rise
Let Us Rise

Insults, Name-calling,
A tag of a failure,
Let them Dump us in negativity,
But, let us rise with confidence, positivity, and self-love,
Multiple times failures hit you,
They made you fear to try,
Fear to speak,
Fear to mingle in a group,
Fear to get success,
Fear to get insulted,
Some friends might block you,
Some say you are not worthy,
People whom you thought important gonna leave you
and never come back,
Your family may treat you bad,
Society taunts your attitude,
Never give up,
Work on yourself,
Take time,
It might be hours, months or years,
Yes, It might take years,
Do you know Chinese bamboo story,
Even though you watered and cared,
It appears it's seed do nothing after plating,
In the fifth year, it breaks the soil and grows,
It grows like anything after that,
It takes time for that seed to make a stronger presence in-ground,
So, be specific about your goals,
It takes time,
Be stronger,
But, do not stop trying to achieve your goal,
Do not stop loving you,
One day,
Once after getting success,
These failures become the best twists in your life's
Inspirational story,
Let us be determined, dedicated and work towards our goals,
Oh, Brother,
Let us rise.