Children Stories



Children Stories

I Am A Tiger

I Am A Tiger

1 min

A tiger is behind the tree of thrones,

He tries to sit down in front of the desert.

There is no forest of greenness,

He is thirsty of flesh meats,

Has already seen a view of a reef of sand

How to interpenetrate into the jungle,

He has also seen his appetite 

Going towards the sea.

Neither has he cried

Nor he has laughed in the way.

He crunches the parts of his body

On the sands of the desert,

Neither he dies or lives,

swims only in

the river of own blood.

Who has stolen his eyes of wildness,

The boldness of strength,

He is watching the sky of ancillary hunger.

The scenery of the Depredation of his fates.

There is a jungle of cement, dust, and steel

The boast of humanity,

Who can see,

There is a tiger of perpetuity.

A tiger can write in the blow of wind,

In water, in the way of life, 

On the tree, in the darkness of night,

In the day,

“I am a tiger.”

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