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Shop NowKartik & Mixie-2
By Karnav Rastogi
The book is about Jungle adventures experienced by Kartik & Mixie. He and his 4 friends planned a jungle vacation and how they befriended some creatures and communicated with them through a gadget. The fire flies, creatures and Kartik’s team along with Mixie, the Robot; helped in solving the mystery of jungle and also succeeded in discovering the treasure box. A fun filled journey where they gave back to the forest by growing more trees with magical seeds, saved animals and decoded the treasure map. A thrill and adventure novel which will take you to nature’s lap and soak you in solving mysteryat each step.
Rs 175
Nirbachita Upanyasa Sangraha (ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହ)
By Mr. Bibhuti Pattanaik
ବିଭୂତି ବିମୁଗ୍ଧ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ପାଠକମାନଙ୍କ ଚାହିଦାକୁ ଆଖି ଆଗରେ ରଖି ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ଇନଫୋଟେକ୍ ପ୍ରାଇଭେଟ୍ ଲିମିଟେଡ୍ ତରଫରୁ ତାଙ୍କର ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ପଚିଶ ଖଣ୍ଡ ଉପନ୍ୟାସକୁ ଦଶ ଭାଗରେ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଲେଖକଙ୍କ ସହ ଚୁକ୍ତିବଦ୍ଧ ହୋଇଛୁ l ଏହି ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହର ମୁଦ୍ରିତ ଏବଂ ଇ-ବୁକ୍ ସଂସ୍କରଣ ଆଗ୍ରହୀ ପାଠକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବ l ବିଭୂତି ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକଙ୍କ ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପ୍ରଥମ ଭାଗରେ ସ୍ଥାନିତ ହୋଇଛି ପାଠକ ଓ ସମାଲୋଚକଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଉଚ୍ଚ ପ୍ରଶଂସିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ତ୍ରୟୀ – “ସମୟର ଶୋକ”, “ନଷ୍ଟ ଚରିତ୍ର”, ଏବଂ “ଅଶ୍ରୁମୁଖୀ”l ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଭାଗଗୁଡିକ ସ୍ୱଳ୍ପ ବ୍ୟବଧାନରେ ତିନି ଚାରି ବର୍ଷ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିପାରିବୁ ବୋଲି ଆଶା କରୁଛୁ l
Rs 350
My Rides with Sahib
By Chattanathan D.
Sheetal is a young, strong willed, independent, intelligent and ambitious girl, forced by her circumstances to ply a taxi on the streets of Mumbai. Sahib is a successful businessman who lives his life for others, especially the orphans whose responsibility he has willingly taken on. Sheetal and Sahib meet by chance and a bond develops between them. Sheetal finds a mentor and an advisor in him, he perhaps sees his long-lost daughter in her. However, as Sahib’s presence improves Sheetal’s life, Sahib’s own world starts falling apart. Despite her best intentions Sheetal innocently causes a storm in his life. A story highlighting the basis of conflict in human relations, and its inevitability. Even when everyone is trying to do the right thing, life still forces them to face unexpected trials and tribulations. A lesson that love is the mother of all conflicts, even hatred is rooted in love, perhaps too much love for someone else.
Rs 290
Hinduism - Ritual, Reason and Beyond
By Ashok Mishra
The book is journey through 5000 years of evolution of Hinduism, and is outcome of seven years of study to understand the roots of Hinduism. Tracing the genesis of Hinduism to pre-Indus Valley period, the book explains Hindu, Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma, before it takes one through Hinduism’s oldest scriptures - the four Vedas, the four components of each Veda, and what they contain. How all original translations of Vedic texts were done by Western Sanskrit scholars, and why their works have left scope for doubt about the fidelity of translations.
Rs 699
दिल ढूंढता है.. (Dil Dhoondhta hai..)
By Rakesh Madhotra
Every human being who sets sail in the ship of reality and dreams sways constantly in the endeavor to cross the sea of life. Sometimes they move towards their destinations and sometimes away from it. Rahul, struggling between losing and gaining, finds himself lost in the search of love. In search of love, he goes away from himself. He never in his wildest dreams had imagined such chaos. Later, this journey of Rahul turns out to be a wonderful experience.
Rs 175
Kartik & Mixie-2
By Karnav Rastogi
The book is about Jungle adventures experienced by Kartik & Mixie. He and his 4 friends planned a jungle vacation and how they befriended some creatures and communicated with them through a gadget. The fire flies, creatures and Kartik’s team along with Mixie, the Robot; helped in solving the mystery of jungle and also succeeded in discovering the treasure box. A fun filled journey where they gave back to the forest by growing more trees with magical seeds, saved animals and decoded the treasure map. A thrill and adventure novel which will take you to nature’s lap and soak you in solving mysteryat each step.
Rs 175
Nirbachita Upanyasa Sangraha (ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହ)
By Mr. Bibhuti Pattanaik
ବିଭୂତି ବିମୁଗ୍ଧ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ପାଠକମାନଙ୍କ ଚାହିଦାକୁ ଆଖି ଆଗରେ ରଖି ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ଇନଫୋଟେକ୍ ପ୍ରାଇଭେଟ୍ ଲିମିଟେଡ୍ ତରଫରୁ ତାଙ୍କର ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ପଚିଶ ଖଣ୍ଡ ଉପନ୍ୟାସକୁ ଦଶ ଭାଗରେ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଲେଖକଙ୍କ ସହ ଚୁକ୍ତିବଦ୍ଧ ହୋଇଛୁ l ଏହି ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହର ମୁଦ୍ରିତ ଏବଂ ଇ-ବୁକ୍ ସଂସ୍କରଣ ଆଗ୍ରହୀ ପାଠକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବ l ବିଭୂତି ପଟ୍ଟନାୟକଙ୍କ ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ସଂଗ୍ରହର ପ୍ରଥମ ଭାଗରେ ସ୍ଥାନିତ ହୋଇଛି ପାଠକ ଓ ସମାଲୋଚକଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଉଚ୍ଚ ପ୍ରଶଂସିତ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ ତ୍ରୟୀ – “ସମୟର ଶୋକ”, “ନଷ୍ଟ ଚରିତ୍ର”, ଏବଂ “ଅଶ୍ରୁମୁଖୀ”l ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଭାଗଗୁଡିକ ସ୍ୱଳ୍ପ ବ୍ୟବଧାନରେ ତିନି ଚାରି ବର୍ଷ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିପାରିବୁ ବୋଲି ଆଶା କରୁଛୁ l
Rs 350
My Rides with Sahib
By Chattanathan D.
Sheetal is a young, strong willed, independent, intelligent and ambitious girl, forced by her circumstances to ply a taxi on the streets of Mumbai. Sahib is a successful businessman who lives his life for others, especially the orphans whose responsibility he has willingly taken on. Sheetal and Sahib meet by chance and a bond develops between them. Sheetal finds a mentor and an advisor in him, he perhaps sees his long-lost daughter in her. However, as Sahib’s presence improves Sheetal’s life, Sahib’s own world starts falling apart. Despite her best intentions Sheetal innocently causes a storm in his life. A story highlighting the basis of conflict in human relations, and its inevitability. Even when everyone is trying to do the right thing, life still forces them to face unexpected trials and tribulations. A lesson that love is the mother of all conflicts, even hatred is rooted in love, perhaps too much love for someone else.
Rs 290
Hinduism - Ritual, Reason and Beyond
By Ashok Mishra
The book is journey through 5000 years of evolution of Hinduism, and is outcome of seven years of study to understand the roots of Hinduism. Tracing the genesis of Hinduism to pre-Indus Valley period, the book explains Hindu, Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma, before it takes one through Hinduism’s oldest scriptures - the four Vedas, the four components of each Veda, and what they contain. How all original translations of Vedic texts were done by Western Sanskrit scholars, and why their works have left scope for doubt about the fidelity of translations.
Rs 699
दिल ढूंढता है.. (Dil Dhoondhta hai..)
By Rakesh Madhotra
Every human being who sets sail in the ship of reality and dreams sways constantly in the endeavor to cross the sea of life. Sometimes they move towards their destinations and sometimes away from it. Rahul, struggling between losing and gaining, finds himself lost in the search of love. In search of love, he goes away from himself. He never in his wildest dreams had imagined such chaos. Later, this journey of Rahul turns out to be a wonderful experience.
Rs 175
Kartik & Mixie-2
By Karnav Rastogi
The book is about Jungle adventures experienced by Kartik & Mixie. He and his 4 friends planned a jungle vacation and how they befriended some creatures and communicated with them through a gadget. The fire flies, creatures and Kartik’s team along with Mixie, the Robot; helped in solving the mystery of jungle and also succeeded in discovering the treasure box. A fun filled journey where they gave back to the forest by growing more trees with magical seeds, saved animals and decoded the treasure map. A thrill and adventure novel which will take you to nature’s lap and soak you in solving mysteryat each step.
Rs 175
Author of the Year
StoryMirror brands our authors by giving Author of the Year, Author of the Month & Author of the Week awards based on unbiased author rankings.
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Shailesh Prajapati ' સસ્મિત ' / ' શૈલ '
Writing journey and Author of the Year 2020 journey Resp. It is like a dream for me to achieve such milestone on this digital platform. A few months ago I started my journey in this field. However, the skill and ambition for writing poems and stories were from the beginning. In the time of lockdown... More
હું જ્હાનવી. એક ગૃહિણી. મારા આંગણાને પોતાની મોહક મુસ્કાનથી મહેકાવતી બંને દીકરીઓની હું માતા પણ ખરી અને મારા જીવનમાં મિત્રની જગ્યાનો ખાલીપો ભરતા પતિની પત્ની પણ ખરી. માતા અને પત્ની તરીકેની બધી જ ફરજો નિભાવવાની સાથે હું મારી જાતને પણ સમય આપતી. `અમે અમારા માટે કંઈ જ ન કર્યું..’. `આખી જિંદગી તમારી પાછળ હ... More
Dineshbhai Chauhan 'શિવમ'
રી મીરર એક તેવું પ્લેટફોર્મ છે કે જેના વડે કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ પોતાના વિચારો રજૂ કરી શકે એમ છે. મેં સૌ પ્રથમ સ્ટોરી મીરર ની માહિતી બીજાના વોટ આપવાની લિંક વડે મળી. મને પણ એમ થયું કે હું પણ આ પ્લેટફોર્મ વડે મારા વિચારો રજૂ કરી શકું એમ છું. મને સાચે જ આ પ્લેટફોર્મ પર વાર્તા લખવાની શરૂઆત કરી. મારી વાર્તાઓન... More
ચૈતન્ય જોષી
સ્ટોરી મીરર નવોદિત કવિઓને લખવા માટેનું એક સારું પ્લેટફોર્મ પૂરું પાડે છે. પ્રોત્સાહન, પ્રેરણા, પુરસ્કાર જેવી પ્રક્રિયા દ્વારા કવિહૃદયને જાગૃત કરી વધુમાં વધુ સર્જન કરવા પ્રેરે છે. કોઈ કલાને પ્રોત્સાહન પૂરું પાડવું એ ખરા અર્થમાં મા સરસ્વતીની ઉત્કૃષ્ટ પૂજા છે. સ્ટોરીમીરર તેમજ પરિવારનો ખૂબ ખૂબ આભારી છું.
Chandan Pawar
Author of the year 2020 साठी आपण माझे नामांकन केले होते याबद्दल आपले प्रथमतः मनःपूर्वक आभार. Author of the year 2020 साठी 1 जानेवारी 2021 पासून voting lines सुरू झाल्या.. आणि माझी voting link मी सर्वदूर share करण्यास सुरुवात केली.. यामुळे स्टोरीमिरर या आपल्या नामांकित पोर्टलचे नाव सर्वदूर तर पोहचले... More
Sangieta Devkar
मी संगीता देवकर प्रिंट &मीडिया रायटर पुणे. लिखाण मी ख़ुप आधी पासून करत होते. 2006 पासून मी पिंपरी चिंचवड वर्तमान पत्रात फ्री लांसर रायटर म्हणून कार्यरत आहे. जेव्हा मला आपल्या स्टोरी मिरर ऍप बद्दल समजले मग इथे लिहायला सुरवात केली. ख़ुप कमी दिवसात माझ्या लिखानाचे इथे कौतुक होऊ लागले. आणि अनपेक्षित पण... More
स्टोरी मिरर हे सर्वात बेस्ट साईट आहे..इथे लाखो वाचक व दर्जेदार साहित्य वाचायला मिळते.नविन लेखक असो की जुना सर्वानाच वाचन व लेखन करण्यासाठी सर्वोत्तम ठिकाण म्हणजे स्टोरी मिरर आहे.इथे अनेक स्पर्धा आयोजित केल्या जातात.त्यामुळे लेखकाला लिहीते होण्याची नविन संधी निर्माण होते.प्रत्येकाला डिजीटल प्रमाणपत्... More
Ayan Banerjee
I am a telecommunication technology expert working in the field of machines and science but literature remained as the attic of the heart where emotions and experiences got constant nourishment with words. Storymirror acted as that vestibule where I could window out my thoughts in leisure time reac... More
Sanghamitra Roychowdhury
২০১৯-এর গোড়া থেকে আমার স্টোরি মিররে লেখালেখি শুরু। অত্যন্ত আশাব্যঞ্জক কথা যে শুরু থেকেই আমি পাঠকের বিপুল ভালোবাসা পেয়েছি। তারই সঙ্গে-সঙ্গে এডিটোরিয়াল ডেস্ক থেকেও আমার লেখাগুলি স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছে ভীষণভাবে। অগণিত প্রতিযোগিতায় প্রথম সারিতে জায়গা করে নিয়েছে আমার লেখাগুলি। স্টোরি মিরর থেকে প্রকাশিত ... More
Jeet Guha Thakurta
One year back, when I started writing in StoryMirror, I never thought that I would get so much love from my readers. The very first story gave me an Author Of The Week award. After that, I kept writing various short stories and a couple of series as well. I came across many talented and good write... More
Arundhati Jena
My journey as a writer didn't start last night. I have always been someone who loved to learn and express my ideas and since talking may not always be the best option, I resorted to writing my feelings and thoughts on paper. Writing is my passion but it's very difficult for me as am a working mothe... More
Panchanan Jena
ଅନ୍ତରର ଅନନ୍ତ ପ୍ରଦେଶରୁ ଅସୁମାରି ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ଓ ସାଧୁବାଦ । ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ୨୦୨୦ ବର୍ଷପାଇଁ ଲେଖକ ହିସାବରେ ମୋର ଅନୁଭୂତି କରେ।ନା ମହାମାରୀ କାଳରେ ଲକ୍ ଡାଉନ୍ ସଟ୍ ଡାଉନ୍ ବେଳରେ ଗୃହବଂଦୀ ଆତୁର ବେଳାରେ ମୋର ଲେଖକୀୟ ସୃଜନଶୀଳତାକୁ ବେଶ ପରିମାର୍ଜିତ କରିବାରେ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ବହୁବିଧ ଷ୍ଟୋରୀ ମିର ର ୱେବ ସାଇଟ୍ ସମୟର ସଦୁପଯୋଗ କରିବାକୁ ଏକ ଯୁଗାନ୍ତକାରୀ ପ୍ଲାଟଫର୍ମ ବ... More
Er Subhransu Kumar Behera
ଶୁଭ୍ରାଂଶୁ କୁମାର ବେହେରା , ପିଲାଟି ଦିନରୁ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ପ୍ରତି ଥିଲା ଅନନ୍ୟ ଆକର୍ଷଣ , ହେଲେ ସମୟ ସ୍ରୋତରେ ବୃତ୍ତିଗତ ଜୀବନରେ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରୀ । ଓଡ଼ିଆ ରଚନା ଲେଖିବା , କବିତା ବା ଗଳ୍ପ ପଢି ଦୃଶ୍ୟକୁ ହୃଦୟଙ୍ଗମ କରି ପାଏ ଆନନ୍ଦ । ତେବେ ଏହା ଭିତରେ ପଦକୁ ପଦ ମିଶାଇ ଲେଖୁ ଲେଖୁ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରେ କବିତା । ଈଶ୍ବରଙ୍କ ଆଶୀର୍ବାଦରୁ ବ୍ଯକ୍ତିଗତ ଭାବେ ପରିଚିତ ପ୍ରକାଶ କ... More
Challa Sri Gouri
I am Challa Sri Gouri. I would like to Thank story mirror for providing great opportunities to exhibit our talents and passion on literature. I am very glad to share that I have achieved literary captain designation. It’s really a honour to be selected for the Author of the year-2020. This journey ... More
Uma Subramanian
எழுத வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் திண்ணமாக இருந்தால் போதும்! வண்ணமயமான எதிர்காலம் உண்டு! எழுதுவது சரியா? இலக்கணம் இருக்கிறதா? இலக்கிய நயம் இருக்கிறதா? என்றெல்லாம் ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து.... எழுத்தாளர் மனதில் தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையை உருவாக்காமல்.... தட்டிக் கொடுத்து உற்சாகம் அளித்து.... கற்பனைக்கு கடிவாளம் இடாமல்... More
Dhananjaya Purushothama
No words to explain the wonderful opportunity.'Being in corporate life for so long the work related stress occupies most part of our life, seldom we get a chance to even think about hobbies and especially if literature is area of interest it becomes more difficult to satiate that hunger and finally... More
Sucharita Parija
'Author Of The Year-2021 (Editor's Choice)' This trophy is close to my heart as it is my first trophy in the literary area. I am thankful to the whole team of StoryMirror for the award. The moment I opened the parcel, I was stunned by the glow of the trophy. It was a triumphant moment for me. Thank... More
An author of the day to the author of week; author of the week to the author of the months; authour of the months to author of the year 2021; A Journey from a poet to literary captain; A literary captain to literary colonel; A literary Colonel to Literary Brigadier..... My Big thanks to the Story Mirror More
रुचि मित्तल
जीवन में कुछ क्षण ऐसे आते हैं जब हमारी सबसे बड़ी ताकत कलम ही हमारा साथ छोड़ देती हैं.. खुशी से पलकों की कोर पर झिलमिलाते मोती और रूँधा गला। हाँ दोस्तों..यही सब हुआ मेरे साथ, जब '#Author_Of_The_Year_2021' (2nd Runner Up ) की ट्रॉफी मेरे हाथ में आई। पाँव खुशी से जमीं पर नहीं पड़ रहे थे। अपनी इस खुशी को ... More
हरिशंकर गोयल 'हरि'
आज का दिन मेरे लिए बहुत खास है। स्टोरीमिरर ने मुझे वर्ष 2021 का 'ऑथर ऑफ द ईयर अवार्ड : एडीटर्स चॉइस' दिया है। इस अवार्ड की घोषणा तो बहुत पहले ही हो गई थी, मगर यह ट्रॉफी आज ही आई है डाक से। इसलिए ऐसा महसूस हुआ है कि यह अवार्ड आज ही मुझे मिला हो। स्टोरीमिरर ने दो श्रेणी में पुरस्कार रखे थे। एक रीडर... More
नीरज पाल
मैं नीरज पाल पुनः आप लोगों के स्नेह एवं आशीर्वाद से तथा 'स्टोरीमिरर' जो कि भारत की एक जानी-मानी साहित्य और सृजनशील लेखन का सबसे बड़ा प्रतिष्ठित प्लेटफार्म है। उनके सौजन्य से आज मुझे पुनः आपके सामने रू-ब-रू होने का सौभाग्य मिला। लगातार तीन वर्ष के सफर के बाद स्टोरीमिरर प्लेटफार्म,मेरा हमसफ़र बनकर मे... More
Nurjahan Shaikh
यशाचे शिखर काय असते हे स्टोरी मिरर मध्ये मिळालेल्या ट्रॉफी वरून आज मला समजले. ऑथर ऑफ द इयर मध्ये सेकंड रनर अप हे टायटल मिळाल्यानंतर मला खूप खूप आनंद झाला. माझा आनंद मला शब्दात व्यक्त करता येत नव्हता, परंतु अभिप्राय देणे फार महत्त्वाचे होते. आपण केलेल्या कष्टाचे चीज कसे होते आणि त्याचे फळ कसे मिळते ... More
Sumit Sandeep Bari
नमस्कार मी सुमित संदीप बारी, शाळेचे नाव आर.सी.पटेल ज्युनिअर कॉलेज शिरपूर जिल्हा धुळे. आपणास मागे कळवण्यात आले होते की मी साहित्य क्षेत्रातला सर्वात मोठा पुरस्कार AUTHOR OF THE YEAR 2021 चा विजेता झालो आहे. काही अडचणींमुळे त्याचे सन्मानचिन्ह घरपोच यायला उशीर झाला पण आपणास सांगताना आनंद होईल की आज ते... More
Ajit Kumar Raut
ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ତରଫରୁ author of The Year 2021 2nd Runner up Editor's Choice ରୂପରେ ଘୋଷଣା କରିବାରୁ ମୁଁ ନିଜକୁ ଓ ଆମ ଜନ୍ମଭୂମି ବିଚ୍ଛନ୍ନାଚଳ ପାଇଁ ଗୌରବ ଅନୁଭବ କରୁଛି।ମୁଁ ଓ ଆମ ବିଚ୍ଛନ୍ନାଚଳ ଜିଲ୍ଲା ସଢୈଇକଳା ଖରସୁଆଁ,ପଶ୍ଚିମ ସିଂହଭୂମି ଓ ପୂର୍ବ ସିଂହଭୂମ ତରଫରୁ ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ସମସ୍ତ ମହାନୁଭବଙ୍କୁ ହାର୍ଦ୍ଦିକ ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ ଓ ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ଜଣାଉଛି। ଜ... More
ସାହିତ୍ୟ ସାଗରରେ ବିନ୍ଦୁଏ ଜଳ ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରୁଥିବା ସମୟରେ ସାହିତ୍ୟର ମହାମଞ୍ଚ ଷ୍ଟୋରି ମିରର୍ ଆଣି ଦେଇଛି ମତେ ଏକ ସ୍ବତନ୍ତ୍ର ପରିଚୟ। ନିଃଶବ୍ଦ ପ୍ରାଣରେ ଭରି ଦେଇଛି ଶବ୍ଦର ଛିଟା। ଯାହା କେବେ ସ୍ବପ୍ନରେ ଭାବିନଥିଲି ତାକୁ ବାସ୍ତବରେ ପରିଣତ କରିଛି ଏଇ ଷ୍ଟୋରି ମିରର। ଦୂରରୁ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ଆକାଶର ନକ୍ଷତ୍ର ମାନଙ୍କୁ ଦେଖି ଖୁସି ହେଉଥିବା ମଣିଷଟିକୁ ସେହି ନକ୍ଷତ୍ର ମ... More
Manorama Mohanty
StoryMirror has become part and parcel of our lives and with all its wonderful writing competitions it keeps us inspiring everyday. I wish a bright future for StoryMirror.
Khushboo Asawa
It's such an amazing platformFor budding writers as well as for writers who haven't explored themselves and for the ones who had no financial means to reach the worldIn fact I guess the competitions, contests etc keeps them going
Moumita Bagchi
स्टोरीमिरर के साथ लेखन का सफर एवं अनुभव अब तक काफी अच्छा रहा है। मैंने इनके पोर्टल पर नियमित रूप से कविताएँ और कहानियाँ लिखीं है और इनके द्वारा आयोजित प्रतियोगिताओं में भाग लेकर अनेकों पुरस्कारें भी जीती हैं। इसके साथ ही इनके साथ मेरी दूसरी पुस्तक, " माँ की डायरी" के प्रकाशन का अनुभव भी अद्यतन बहुत... More
Srinivas Cv
When my first story got published on Storymirror, I was on cloud nine. It started at a high 4 digit ranking and ended with a to a low 4-digit rank. The rank change gave me a high. Someone liked what I wrote. I set my next target, make more people like my stories. I worked on my writing. Fortunately... More
Anu Menon
StoryMirror is a great platform for budding writers to enrich their skills in the literary world where one can contribute to writing stories, poems, quotes, audio, etc. StoryMirror also encourages and motivates the writers with editorial scores, badges and contests for them to participate and showc... More
Shree Prakash Yadav
मैं डॉ श्रीप्रकाश यादव, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर हिंदी विभाग, जनता महाविद्यालय अजीतमल, औरैया उत्तर प्रदेश। बताते चलूँ कि सन 2020 तक प्रकाशित हमारी 10 पुस्तकें हैं, जिसका क्रमशः नाम है- ‛अज्ञेय का कथा साहित्यः नारी मानसिकता के आयाम’,‛ वैचारिकी’,‛ भारत रत्न’,‛ मेरा भी मत’,‛ जयशंकर प्रसाद के साहित्य में राष... More
Rashmi Moide
मुझे बचपन से ही कुछ अच्छा लिखने और पढ़ने का शौक था, पर व्यस्तता के कारण नही लिख पाई। उम्र के 50वे पढ़ाव पर फिर कलम उठाई। पहले पत्रिकाओं में फिर व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप, फेसबुक में लेख देते देते स्टोरी मिरर के बारे में पता चला। स्टोरी मिरर मे 2020 में मैंने वसंत महोत्सव पर एक कहानी डाली थी, उसमें मुझे ऑ... More
Shailesh Prajapati ' સસ્મિત ' / ' શૈલ '
Writing journey and Author of the Year 2020 journey Resp. It is like a dream for me to achieve such milestone on this digital platform. A few months ago I started my journey in this field. However, the skill and ambition for writing poems and stories were from the beginning. In the time of lockdown... More
હું જ્હાનવી. એક ગૃહિણી. મારા આંગણાને પોતાની મોહક મુસ્કાનથી મહેકાવતી બંને દીકરીઓની હું માતા પણ ખરી અને મારા જીવનમાં મિત્રની જગ્યાનો ખાલીપો ભરતા પતિની પત્ની પણ ખરી. માતા અને પત્ની તરીકેની બધી જ ફરજો નિભાવવાની સાથે હું મારી જાતને પણ સમય આપતી. `અમે અમારા માટે કંઈ જ ન કર્યું..’. `આખી જિંદગી તમારી પાછળ હ... More
Dineshbhai Chauhan 'શિવમ'
રી મીરર એક તેવું પ્લેટફોર્મ છે કે જેના વડે કોઈ પણ વ્યક્તિ પોતાના વિચારો રજૂ કરી શકે એમ છે. મેં સૌ પ્રથમ સ્ટોરી મીરર ની માહિતી બીજાના વોટ આપવાની લિંક વડે મળી. મને પણ એમ થયું કે હું પણ આ પ્લેટફોર્મ વડે મારા વિચારો રજૂ કરી શકું એમ છું. મને સાચે જ આ પ્લેટફોર્મ પર વાર્તા લખવાની શરૂઆત કરી. મારી વાર્તાઓન... More
ચૈતન્ય જોષી
સ્ટોરી મીરર નવોદિત કવિઓને લખવા માટેનું એક સારું પ્લેટફોર્મ પૂરું પાડે છે. પ્રોત્સાહન, પ્રેરણા, પુરસ્કાર જેવી પ્રક્રિયા દ્વારા કવિહૃદયને જાગૃત કરી વધુમાં વધુ સર્જન કરવા પ્રેરે છે. કોઈ કલાને પ્રોત્સાહન પૂરું પાડવું એ ખરા અર્થમાં મા સરસ્વતીની ઉત્કૃષ્ટ પૂજા છે. સ્ટોરીમીરર તેમજ પરિવારનો ખૂબ ખૂબ આભારી છું.
Chandan Pawar
Author of the year 2020 साठी आपण माझे नामांकन केले होते याबद्दल आपले प्रथमतः मनःपूर्वक आभार. Author of the year 2020 साठी 1 जानेवारी 2021 पासून voting lines सुरू झाल्या.. आणि माझी voting link मी सर्वदूर share करण्यास सुरुवात केली.. यामुळे स्टोरीमिरर या आपल्या नामांकित पोर्टलचे नाव सर्वदूर तर पोहचले... More
Sangieta Devkar
मी संगीता देवकर प्रिंट &मीडिया रायटर पुणे. लिखाण मी ख़ुप आधी पासून करत होते. 2006 पासून मी पिंपरी चिंचवड वर्तमान पत्रात फ्री लांसर रायटर म्हणून कार्यरत आहे. जेव्हा मला आपल्या स्टोरी मिरर ऍप बद्दल समजले मग इथे लिहायला सुरवात केली. ख़ुप कमी दिवसात माझ्या लिखानाचे इथे कौतुक होऊ लागले. आणि अनपेक्षित पण... More
स्टोरी मिरर हे सर्वात बेस्ट साईट आहे..इथे लाखो वाचक व दर्जेदार साहित्य वाचायला मिळते.नविन लेखक असो की जुना सर्वानाच वाचन व लेखन करण्यासाठी सर्वोत्तम ठिकाण म्हणजे स्टोरी मिरर आहे.इथे अनेक स्पर्धा आयोजित केल्या जातात.त्यामुळे लेखकाला लिहीते होण्याची नविन संधी निर्माण होते.प्रत्येकाला डिजीटल प्रमाणपत्... More
Ayan Banerjee
I am a telecommunication technology expert working in the field of machines and science but literature remained as the attic of the heart where emotions and experiences got constant nourishment with words. Storymirror acted as that vestibule where I could window out my thoughts in leisure time reac... More
Sanghamitra Roychowdhury
২০১৯-এর গোড়া থেকে আমার স্টোরি মিররে লেখালেখি শুরু। অত্যন্ত আশাব্যঞ্জক কথা যে শুরু থেকেই আমি পাঠকের বিপুল ভালোবাসা পেয়েছি। তারই সঙ্গে-সঙ্গে এডিটোরিয়াল ডেস্ক থেকেও আমার লেখাগুলি স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছে ভীষণভাবে। অগণিত প্রতিযোগিতায় প্রথম সারিতে জায়গা করে নিয়েছে আমার লেখাগুলি। স্টোরি মিরর থেকে প্রকাশিত ... More
Jeet Guha Thakurta
One year back, when I started writing in StoryMirror, I never thought that I would get so much love from my readers. The very first story gave me an Author Of The Week award. After that, I kept writing various short stories and a couple of series as well. I came across many talented and good write... More
Arundhati Jena
My journey as a writer didn't start last night. I have always been someone who loved to learn and express my ideas and since talking may not always be the best option, I resorted to writing my feelings and thoughts on paper. Writing is my passion but it's very difficult for me as am a working mothe... More
Panchanan Jena
ଅନ୍ତରର ଅନନ୍ତ ପ୍ରଦେଶରୁ ଅସୁମାରି ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ଓ ସାଧୁବାଦ । ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ୨୦୨୦ ବର୍ଷପାଇଁ ଲେଖକ ହିସାବରେ ମୋର ଅନୁଭୂତି କରେ।ନା ମହାମାରୀ କାଳରେ ଲକ୍ ଡାଉନ୍ ସଟ୍ ଡାଉନ୍ ବେଳରେ ଗୃହବଂଦୀ ଆତୁର ବେଳାରେ ମୋର ଲେଖକୀୟ ସୃଜନଶୀଳତାକୁ ବେଶ ପରିମାର୍ଜିତ କରିବାରେ ଆପଣଙ୍କର ବହୁବିଧ ଷ୍ଟୋରୀ ମିର ର ୱେବ ସାଇଟ୍ ସମୟର ସଦୁପଯୋଗ କରିବାକୁ ଏକ ଯୁଗାନ୍ତକାରୀ ପ୍ଲାଟଫର୍ମ ବ... More
Er Subhransu Kumar Behera
ଶୁଭ୍ରାଂଶୁ କୁମାର ବେହେରା , ପିଲାଟି ଦିନରୁ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ପ୍ରତି ଥିଲା ଅନନ୍ୟ ଆକର୍ଷଣ , ହେଲେ ସମୟ ସ୍ରୋତରେ ବୃତ୍ତିଗତ ଜୀବନରେ ଯନ୍ତ୍ରୀ । ଓଡ଼ିଆ ରଚନା ଲେଖିବା , କବିତା ବା ଗଳ୍ପ ପଢି ଦୃଶ୍ୟକୁ ହୃଦୟଙ୍ଗମ କରି ପାଏ ଆନନ୍ଦ । ତେବେ ଏହା ଭିତରେ ପଦକୁ ପଦ ମିଶାଇ ଲେଖୁ ଲେଖୁ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରେ କବିତା । ଈଶ୍ବରଙ୍କ ଆଶୀର୍ବାଦରୁ ବ୍ଯକ୍ତିଗତ ଭାବେ ପରିଚିତ ପ୍ରକାଶ କ... More
Challa Sri Gouri
I am Challa Sri Gouri. I would like to Thank story mirror for providing great opportunities to exhibit our talents and passion on literature. I am very glad to share that I have achieved literary captain designation. It’s really a honour to be selected for the Author of the year-2020. This journey ... More
Uma Subramanian
எழுத வேண்டும் என்ற எண்ணம் திண்ணமாக இருந்தால் போதும்! வண்ணமயமான எதிர்காலம் உண்டு! எழுதுவது சரியா? இலக்கணம் இருக்கிறதா? இலக்கிய நயம் இருக்கிறதா? என்றெல்லாம் ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து.... எழுத்தாளர் மனதில் தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையை உருவாக்காமல்.... தட்டிக் கொடுத்து உற்சாகம் அளித்து.... கற்பனைக்கு கடிவாளம் இடாமல்... More
Dhananjaya Purushothama
No words to explain the wonderful opportunity.'Being in corporate life for so long the work related stress occupies most part of our life, seldom we get a chance to even think about hobbies and especially if literature is area of interest it becomes more difficult to satiate that hunger and finally... More
Sucharita Parija
'Author Of The Year-2021 (Editor's Choice)' This trophy is close to my heart as it is my first trophy in the literary area. I am thankful to the whole team of StoryMirror for the award. The moment I opened the parcel, I was stunned by the glow of the trophy. It was a triumphant moment for me. Thank... More
An author of the day to the author of week; author of the week to the author of the months; authour of the months to author of the year 2021; A Journey from a poet to literary captain; A literary captain to literary colonel; A literary Colonel to Literary Brigadier..... My Big thanks to the Story Mirror More
रुचि मित्तल
जीवन में कुछ क्षण ऐसे आते हैं जब हमारी सबसे बड़ी ताकत कलम ही हमारा साथ छोड़ देती हैं.. खुशी से पलकों की कोर पर झिलमिलाते मोती और रूँधा गला। हाँ दोस्तों..यही सब हुआ मेरे साथ, जब '#Author_Of_The_Year_2021' (2nd Runner Up ) की ट्रॉफी मेरे हाथ में आई। पाँव खुशी से जमीं पर नहीं पड़ रहे थे। अपनी इस खुशी को ... More
हरिशंकर गोयल 'हरि'
आज का दिन मेरे लिए बहुत खास है। स्टोरीमिरर ने मुझे वर्ष 2021 का 'ऑथर ऑफ द ईयर अवार्ड : एडीटर्स चॉइस' दिया है। इस अवार्ड की घोषणा तो बहुत पहले ही हो गई थी, मगर यह ट्रॉफी आज ही आई है डाक से। इसलिए ऐसा महसूस हुआ है कि यह अवार्ड आज ही मुझे मिला हो। स्टोरीमिरर ने दो श्रेणी में पुरस्कार रखे थे। एक रीडर... More
नीरज पाल
मैं नीरज पाल पुनः आप लोगों के स्नेह एवं आशीर्वाद से तथा 'स्टोरीमिरर' जो कि भारत की एक जानी-मानी साहित्य और सृजनशील लेखन का सबसे बड़ा प्रतिष्ठित प्लेटफार्म है। उनके सौजन्य से आज मुझे पुनः आपके सामने रू-ब-रू होने का सौभाग्य मिला। लगातार तीन वर्ष के सफर के बाद स्टोरीमिरर प्लेटफार्म,मेरा हमसफ़र बनकर मे... More
Nurjahan Shaikh
यशाचे शिखर काय असते हे स्टोरी मिरर मध्ये मिळालेल्या ट्रॉफी वरून आज मला समजले. ऑथर ऑफ द इयर मध्ये सेकंड रनर अप हे टायटल मिळाल्यानंतर मला खूप खूप आनंद झाला. माझा आनंद मला शब्दात व्यक्त करता येत नव्हता, परंतु अभिप्राय देणे फार महत्त्वाचे होते. आपण केलेल्या कष्टाचे चीज कसे होते आणि त्याचे फळ कसे मिळते ... More
Sumit Sandeep Bari
नमस्कार मी सुमित संदीप बारी, शाळेचे नाव आर.सी.पटेल ज्युनिअर कॉलेज शिरपूर जिल्हा धुळे. आपणास मागे कळवण्यात आले होते की मी साहित्य क्षेत्रातला सर्वात मोठा पुरस्कार AUTHOR OF THE YEAR 2021 चा विजेता झालो आहे. काही अडचणींमुळे त्याचे सन्मानचिन्ह घरपोच यायला उशीर झाला पण आपणास सांगताना आनंद होईल की आज ते... More
Ajit Kumar Raut
ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ତରଫରୁ author of The Year 2021 2nd Runner up Editor's Choice ରୂପରେ ଘୋଷଣା କରିବାରୁ ମୁଁ ନିଜକୁ ଓ ଆମ ଜନ୍ମଭୂମି ବିଚ୍ଛନ୍ନାଚଳ ପାଇଁ ଗୌରବ ଅନୁଭବ କରୁଛି।ମୁଁ ଓ ଆମ ବିଚ୍ଛନ୍ନାଚଳ ଜିଲ୍ଲା ସଢୈଇକଳା ଖରସୁଆଁ,ପଶ୍ଚିମ ସିଂହଭୂମି ଓ ପୂର୍ବ ସିଂହଭୂମ ତରଫରୁ ଷ୍ଟୋରୀମିରର୍ ସମସ୍ତ ମହାନୁଭବଙ୍କୁ ହାର୍ଦ୍ଦିକ ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ ଓ ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ଜଣାଉଛି। ଜ... More
ସାହିତ୍ୟ ସାଗରରେ ବିନ୍ଦୁଏ ଜଳ ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରୁଥିବା ସମୟରେ ସାହିତ୍ୟର ମହାମଞ୍ଚ ଷ୍ଟୋରି ମିରର୍ ଆଣି ଦେଇଛି ମତେ ଏକ ସ୍ବତନ୍ତ୍ର ପରିଚୟ। ନିଃଶବ୍ଦ ପ୍ରାଣରେ ଭରି ଦେଇଛି ଶବ୍ଦର ଛିଟା। ଯାହା କେବେ ସ୍ବପ୍ନରେ ଭାବିନଥିଲି ତାକୁ ବାସ୍ତବରେ ପରିଣତ କରିଛି ଏଇ ଷ୍ଟୋରି ମିରର। ଦୂରରୁ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ଆକାଶର ନକ୍ଷତ୍ର ମାନଙ୍କୁ ଦେଖି ଖୁସି ହେଉଥିବା ମଣିଷଟିକୁ ସେହି ନକ୍ଷତ୍ର ମ... More
Manorama Mohanty
StoryMirror has become part and parcel of our lives and with all its wonderful writing competitions it keeps us inspiring everyday. I wish a bright future for StoryMirror.
Khushboo Asawa
It's such an amazing platformFor budding writers as well as for writers who haven't explored themselves and for the ones who had no financial means to reach the worldIn fact I guess the competitions, contests etc keeps them going
Moumita Bagchi
स्टोरीमिरर के साथ लेखन का सफर एवं अनुभव अब तक काफी अच्छा रहा है। मैंने इनके पोर्टल पर नियमित रूप से कविताएँ और कहानियाँ लिखीं है और इनके द्वारा आयोजित प्रतियोगिताओं में भाग लेकर अनेकों पुरस्कारें भी जीती हैं। इसके साथ ही इनके साथ मेरी दूसरी पुस्तक, " माँ की डायरी" के प्रकाशन का अनुभव भी अद्यतन बहुत... More
Srinivas Cv
When my first story got published on Storymirror, I was on cloud nine. It started at a high 4 digit ranking and ended with a to a low 4-digit rank. The rank change gave me a high. Someone liked what I wrote. I set my next target, make more people like my stories. I worked on my writing. Fortunately... More
Anu Menon
StoryMirror is a great platform for budding writers to enrich their skills in the literary world where one can contribute to writing stories, poems, quotes, audio, etc. StoryMirror also encourages and motivates the writers with editorial scores, badges and contests for them to participate and showc... More
Shree Prakash Yadav
मैं डॉ श्रीप्रकाश यादव, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर हिंदी विभाग, जनता महाविद्यालय अजीतमल, औरैया उत्तर प्रदेश। बताते चलूँ कि सन 2020 तक प्रकाशित हमारी 10 पुस्तकें हैं, जिसका क्रमशः नाम है- ‛अज्ञेय का कथा साहित्यः नारी मानसिकता के आयाम’,‛ वैचारिकी’,‛ भारत रत्न’,‛ मेरा भी मत’,‛ जयशंकर प्रसाद के साहित्य में राष... More
Rashmi Moide
मुझे बचपन से ही कुछ अच्छा लिखने और पढ़ने का शौक था, पर व्यस्तता के कारण नही लिख पाई। उम्र के 50वे पढ़ाव पर फिर कलम उठाई। पहले पत्रिकाओं में फिर व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप, फेसबुक में लेख देते देते स्टोरी मिरर के बारे में पता चला। स्टोरी मिरर मे 2020 में मैंने वसंत महोत्सव पर एक कहानी डाली थी, उसमें मुझे ऑ... More
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