Be The Change

Be The Change

1 min

We fray, yell, and we scream,

But yet we tackle everything as a team.

A smile, our hair, and our eyes.

With every mistake comes more tries.

We are so different but so the same.

We share so much more than just a last name.

Be the change we seek to be,

Be the change in all you see,

Rather than wanting to make things new,

Improve them by the things you do,

In life, there are many hurdles go through it

I promise we can turn it round,

At every turn, a battle new,

Hit it head on and see it through,

Hiding yourself wont help you out,

Neither standing still to just let out a shout,

So for the life, you want to see,

Be the change you want to be.

And within yourself, it will start

And then provoke others to be the change

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