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Aniruddha Iyer Bali

Children Stories Action Fantasy


Aniruddha Iyer Bali

Children Stories Action Fantasy

Adventure in Fairy-Land

Adventure in Fairy-Land

1 min

Walking through fairy land

Is not pretty easy

Though the name has fairies

Some places are very “beastly”

First, obstacle comes the sea

Having high-tide

Next is fairy

That will make you

Swell with pride

The fairy will make

You into a balloon

And will make you fly till

Europa -Planet Jupiter’s moon

Now, come the obstacle

That comes the last

But, definitely not the least

The forest of the beast

I went into the forest

But, nothing happened

Oho God

I was so baffled

Suddenly, I thought

That it’s only a myth

Made by my grandma- Judyth

A bit ahead

I saw a shepherd walking

A sheep-dog

The shepherd whispered

Run away boy or else

You will see a creature

That will make you agog

I replied, what a joke

These things only happen

In heaven and “DEVLOK”

Out of nowhere

Came a big, brown, growling bear

I needed to run fast

Or my flesh it would tear

I ran into a cave

And finally was safe

For goodness sake

All of a sudden

Arose a mist

Suddenly , I started

To lisp

Oho no I saw a troll

It would make me a ghoul

From the cave I ran away

Forgetting about the bear

And my flesh it did tear

This whole story is true

Guess, how am I telling it to you ?

As, you are in heaven with me

Listening to my story

While drinking green tea

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