Retired Bank Officer, now a home maker
My mind raced back in time – Kirti appeared before me, with a tray of onion pakoras and hot tea, hum... My mind raced back in time – Kirti appeared before me, with a tray of onion pako...
All credit goes to Sujit All credit goes to Sujit
At once, Srinidhi realised her blunder. She had brought the bag inside and kept it on the bed and ha... At once, Srinidhi realised her blunder. She had brought the bag inside and kept ...
Atmaram was retiring from the mill that evening. Lala Lalchand, the mill owner and the staff had pla... Atmaram was retiring from the mill that evening. Lala Lalchand, the mill owner a...
The police took over from there. Some kind neighbours hearing the commotion woke up and offered to p... The police took over from there. Some kind neighbours hearing the commotion woke...
Srinidhi and Srilata had come home once again, this time to pay their last respects to their loving ... Srinidhi and Srilata had come home once again, this time to pay their last respe...
Manisha’s phone had been ringing persistently. Alka was even tempted to answer it on Manisha’s behal... Manisha’s phone had been ringing persistently. Alka was even tempted to answer i...
Aarushi had a quick shower and dried herself. At first she noticed nothing, but when she put the tow... Aarushi had a quick shower and dried herself. At first she noticed nothing, but ...
he three established a very fine bond. Reshma had no family and was all alone. Not any longer. he three established a very fine bond. Reshma had no family and was all alone. N...
When Rupani entered the bank, he was panting and very upset. Maya made him sit and offered him a gla... When Rupani entered the bank, he was panting and very upset. Maya made him sit a...