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Leave us alone without books and we shall be lost and in confusion at once. We shall not know what t... Leave us alone without books and we shall be lost and in confusion at once. We s...
So I dreamed as I sat at home that evening, almost dead with the pain in my soul. So I dreamed as I sat at home that evening, almost dead with the pain in my soul...
‘Liza! Liza!’ I cried on the stairs, but in a low voice, not boldly. There was no answer, but I fanc... ‘Liza! Liza!’ I cried on the stairs, but in a low voice, not boldly. There was n...
Even in my underground dreams I did not imagine love except as a struggle... Even in my underground dreams I did not imagine love except as a struggle...
A quarter of an hour later I was rushing up and down the room A quarter of an hour later I was rushing up and down the room
She suddenly leapt up from her chair with an irresistible impulse and held out her hands, yearning t... She suddenly leapt up from her chair with an irresistible impulse and held out h...
But at this point a strange thing happened. I was so accustomed to think and imagine everything from... But at this point a strange thing happened. I was so accustomed to think and ima...
"And do you know what has worried me particularly for these three days? That I posed as such a hero ... "And do you know what has worried me particularly for these three days? That I p...
But as soon as I saw this first impulse of wounded digni-ty I positively trembled with spite... But as soon as I saw this first impulse of wounded digni-ty I positively tremble...
Our silence lasted for five minutes. The tea stood on the table; we did not touch it. Our silence lasted for five minutes. The tea stood on the table; we did not touc...