Let Kids Be Kids

Let Kids Be Kids

1 min

Let kids be kids; just let them be

Princesses, pirates; let the bath be the sea!

Let them stare at the sky and find animals in the clouds.

Let them dance in the rain and sing out loud.

Let them dream really big and wish upon a star.

Let them feel the wind in their hair from the window of a car.

Smell their dandelion bouquet like it's your favorite flower,

For they will grow up in what seems like just an hour.

Tell them bedtime stories each and every night.

Let them sleep in the middle when t

hey awake with fright.

Shield them from evil and keep them from danger,

But teach them of acts of kindness for complete strangers.

Don't hurry them, overschedule them, and make them feel lost,

For if this happens it will be you who will pay the cost!

Let them build castles, do cartwheels, and find shells in the sand.

If they need a little help, then please give them a hand!

Let them walk barefoot and the grass tickle their feet,

For it's the small things in life that will make them feel complete.

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