Marilyn Evans
Literary Captain

Love writing with my MA (ENG LIT) background. Design journalist and transcriptor by profession. Poet and Writer by passion. If you like reading my stories then follow me on my story group Love Dream Friendship for Ronit stories:

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Friendship has no end. In this virtual world, friends are easy to find and hearts bind but a good friend is the one who will never go blind and stay kind.     © Magician Marilyn Evans

I love you for being my friend; I love you for the little gifts you send; I wish your life never end; And I pray secretly for you. You can't be mine, yet my heart is fine to draw a line; You are a secret love always. © Magician Marilyn

I still remember the day when you proposed to me and I was so excited to enter your life. But religion became a bar and you broke my heart. © Marilyn Evans

I waited for a Rose from you and it was a dream to get a dose of love, When you did not come, I sat with a glass of rum and had some, Roses are beautiful and my love for you is as fragrant as the scent in the flower. © Marilyn Evans

My heart desire to be in love with someone who knows the meaning of platonic love. My heart desire to watch the stars with him and feel the diamonds in the sky. © Marilyn Evans

Health is wealth, fitness is not about only gym but also inner thoughts. Think fine and feel fit.

I always had imaginative powers and wanted a place where there are love showers. Literature and my virtual love for characters made me strong. And when two literary hearts meet, we create romance with a spell in the ambience around. © Marilyn Muse

My perception of you is a deception. I thought you were my charming Prince but you are a cursed frog. © Marilyn Musings

Anger is an outburst of emotions so an angry person is just equal to a barking dog when hurt with a stone. So when you are angry bark it out. © Marilyn Evans



