"Karma speaks up the two-coined language of truth whether it is positive or negative."
~Sunit Dighe
"Act upon your feelings and in the way you submit your aspects to others, Intentionally, never hurt anyone."
~Sunit Dighe
" Are you lazy? have a Sunday"
~Sunit Dighe
'Promise is the thing that can never be broken when it's related yo your loved ones '
~Sunit Dighe
'The day you give rose to make your love true then get a thought of it that it's a false love. '
~Sunit Dighe
'Your cinematic knowledge comes true when you're exposed to this modern public. '
~Sunit Dighe
'Never take watching movies as a joke, They sometimes go giving you a supreme message. '
~Sunit Dighe
'Getting spoiled your good habit, gives you a product of your undecided future. '
~Sunit Dighe
You learned crawling , You learned speaking , Your voice broke off and all of your habits got altered in a jiffy