Lockdown forced me to go deep inside my mind... The rooms which I closed for long time, are open again.... and the rivers of emotion are flowing again.....
Thousands come and go in your life... Some make huge impact, some lesser one... At any instant, please remember to move on... Because dwellings in the past interactions most probably will make you sad...
One sided love is always so easy, peaceful and dreamy..... At least, it never experiences pain of rejection, or pain of separation!!!
They say symptoms of corona are...feeling feverish, uneasiness, shortness of breath.... But your memories always bring out these symptoms in me... So how do I differentiate?
People say I am hopelessly romantic guy... But I don't agree... Because I am a romantic guy with full of hopes....
Somebody said, its time human realize, That men and women are not different... They are one... Then what the hell is love, romance, xxx and break up? Doesn't it happen because men and women are different?