Orange is the colour of vibrant feelings ready to embrace the happy moments.
As the right grows dark
serenity veils the mind
to unfold certain dimensions
of underneath treasure.
Universe has everything.
You should know how
to manifest.
©laxmi dixit
Keep clarity in your mind towards your actions.They can't be undone.
No matter where you go karma will knock at your door.
Our battle is our anyone else is a invader.
© laxmi dixit
Night and sleep are rivals in the path of success.
Keep an attitude that sobers your personality. It will help in your development.
सैर अयोध्या धाम की, ले रघुनंदन नाम।
जो कर पाऊं साल इस, प्रभु वंदन आभार।।
© लक्ष्मी दीक्षित