Gauri Tomar
Literary Captain

I am Gauri and I like reading and writing about things that many people won't believe, so if you really like fantasy and things like time travel and the universe, follow me!

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People who don't show emotions seem to not care about anything. But deep down, they are the ones who care about you the most.

People who talk more, know less. People who know more, talk less.

When you took your first breath in this world, you knew you were eligible to die, but you survived many years with difficulty and that's what matters.

Don't change yourself for others. Love yourself no matter whether one person hates you or the whole world hates you. You are who can decide what you are.

Don't worry about the challenges faced in the past, worry about the challenges that are yet to come for you in the future.

We spend all of our school lives wanting to be old and have a job, but once we grow up, it's these school days we look up to, the most.

Motivation is temporary. It is your will and dedication you put into the task that matters.

If a person you loved dies, don't be sad they are gone, be happy you got a chance to meet them.

Believe in your dreams and follow them. They know the way to your goals.



