Propose day is the day to apologize mistake and make new relatiomship.
Celebrate rose day by gifting rose plant instead of rose flowers to your loveone.
Our Life is like a cinema.
God is director.
We are actor.
Inculcate good habit
For making life best
Don't let fear,
To come near
Say bye to cancer
Do yoga for sure...
Maharashtra is the state of humanity, love, hospitability with great culture and history...
मैत्री असावी कृष्ण सुदामा सारखी निस्सीम, निःस्वार्थ, निष्पाप.... मित्राच्या आनंदात आनंद आणि दुःखात दुःख मानणारी....
Will power and hard work are the keys for Success....