The ‘Unsend’ feature on Instagram and ‘Delete for Everyone’ feature on Watsapp hides a lot of unexpressed emotions and unsaid feelings.
When life seems dull and happiness a million years away, When little worries grip your heart and make your confidence sway. Hold onto that little Ray of Hope hidden beneath the dark clouds, Fighting with all its might to break free and make a way
“Do you believe in love.?” The moon asked the sun. “I don’t know. But it makes me happy to fade everyday so that you can glow & glimmer. “ Replied the setting sun.
ज़िंदगी तू मुझसे कितनी ख़फ़ा हैं, ये दर्द हर समय हर दफ़ा हैं। ज़िंदगी तेरे चेहरे कितने हज़ार हैं, हर चेहरे के पीछे दूसरा तय्यार है।