radhika Dodani
Literary Lieutenant


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We keep on asking God why u r putting so much pain in my life and he reply this is the only way u learn things my son .

We keep on asking God why u r putting so much pain in my life and he reply this is the only way u learn things my son .

We hold on tight people that are like knife who have innate nature of hurting us, best way to heal is to lose that grip.

Start distancing from those that damage you emotionally and make you feel bad about yourself it's a form of new self-love.

The loneliest path often are blessing in disguise that are heading towards great success.

Sometime u really need someone to understand you but that someone doesn't exist and at last it's ur pen that understands u at best.

People think that I m running from work load instead it's the people , crowd that I m running from .

Sometimes u unknowingly suffocate the person in realation and the best cure to it is distance,space and time u allow them for themselves.

"Raise your standard " And once u do that people with same vibes start surrounding u but the catch here is the old people with low standard will start moving away from u and u will feel lonely at the same time. Radhika



