I'm Hasmukh and I love to read StoryMirror contents.
People have followed the technology blindly But not at the cost of faith and Divinity People have followed the technology blindly But not at the cost of faith and...
To betray It is to obey The untruth To betray It is to obey The untruth
this has been taken as pride for the country ... this has been taken as pride for the country ...
We are ordinary people Who struggle We are ordinary people Who struggle
The life shall further turn happier. The life shall further turn happier.
And may come down to reach lovely earth. And may come down to reach lovely earth.
Love is to be felt alone. Love is to be felt alone.
Make it feel with a pure divine part. Make it feel with a pure divine part.
That it is going to be a permanent union. That it is going to be a permanent union.
Who are not only deprived but struggle for survivaL. Who are not only deprived but struggle for survivaL.