If you fail don't cry, Because there are chances waiting ahead for you. If you succeed don't laugh too much, Because there will be a time to fail again!
Life is like small child learning to play chess. In the beginning, you fail and lose many times but at the end, you succeed in defeating your opponent
Those who say that you can't change your fate are just scared that they don't have the potential to look on the brighter side of life
Ever wondered why God never came down to Earth to the humans? I know why....... If he lived powerful on Earth, he would be mortal on Earth. If he mended the Earth from heaven, He would be immortal for us...
When your mom scolds you, You are least bothered. When she does not talk to you, You get worried. And when she leaves you, You realise her value!
The rain is stronger than the sun, It falls down more than 10 times yet is never afraid to start from the scratch. The only thing the sun does is shines but never dims down.....
Time will keep flying, You can't turn it back, You can't go forth It may be good else it may be bad, Then why do we always worry?