Self confidence and will power will tide you through the challenges in life .
Wear the attire of self confidence when you are surrounded by people who doubt your. caliber .
Wear the attire of self confidence when you are surrounded by people who doubt your. caliber .
Optimism versus pessimism A person infused with optimism and determination can attain success under any pessimistic circumstances ,becoming an inspiration for others . Penned By :NIRMALA MAHESH
Humility is a great gesture of humanity which defines one's personality
Individuals with creative energy inspire others with their creative ideas and are more successful in life .
Hopes and dreams are like two wings of the the bird called Success
Silence is the best armour one can wear around those who don't value your sincerity, hardwork and breed pestilence .
Your authenticity is like a passport which adds to your beauty and Individuality.