In prosperity, you first look within, and then you look outside, while in adversity you first look outside and then look within...RP Quote
When you are low people show their real feelings for you, when you are stable you show your real feelings for them while when both of you are high none of you'll show their real feelings for each other...RP Quote
Loss of self-worth leads to a lack of trust, constant judgment, and analysis of people and situations around you...RP Quote
People trust what's in front of them and not what they hear about you, crooks should remember this before defaming a straight forward man, they lose their credibility by doing so as it is they they have very little due to the dirty aura they carry and the vibes they give...RP Quote
Solutions to problems given by Gurus and motivational speakers in front of masses don't suit individuals as they are given under the fear to be unliked by people and are not case-specific which is the most important thing...RP Quote
Women who play the victim card, feminist card to satisfy their vested interests even when they are treated equally, know what they are doing very well...RP Quote
In childhood, we try to open new chapters feeling we may do well, while in adulthood we realize that to do well closing old chapters is more important...RP Quote