Gender bias runs so deep in my family hurting female ego seems a man's prerogative I have fought tooth and nail, but no iota of respite just as my mother did, I gulp down tears, faking a smile.
Life cannot always be black and white let me sprinkle some hues of fuchsia pink on it entwine our hearts and souls in a colorful tapestry pursue sublimity in togetherness till eternity.
A night bereft of stars and moon is dim But not doomed For... It makes us realise about life's weaning phase Bad times get over soon and good time embraces.
My bundle of joy is from the Almighty through me I am lucky to embrace the most precious gift of lifetime.
Existence is never pointless It needs to be validated with Faith belief love and care At regular intervals.
PitterPitter patter of the rain whispers of leaves in the wind have their own music we can get into the feel only if we slow down a bit lend an ear to listen.
PitterPitter patter of the rain whispers of leaves in the wind have their own music we can get into the feel only if we slow down a bit lend an ear to listen.