इत्तफाक ये दिल और दिमाग के जद्दोजहद में कभी दिल तो कभी दिमाग जीत जाता है। पर इत्तफाक तो देखिए जनाब हर हाल में जीत 'हार' की ही होती है।
Time is a game changer A move in a right time Can lead you to your desired destination But missing on that time might Set you strong onto your destined destination.
Graduation is the formal recognition That reveals that you are capable of Receiving or gaining access to the Teachings of the world.
Life is like a rollercoaster, Its twists and turns are unpredictable, However well prepared you be, But it always leaves you awestruck.
Today we have realised that Isolation is the biggest punishment We can give ourselves to wash away our sins.
The world applaudes for the change in the society, It says there is gender equality. Then why are women still not sure, About returning or begin safe back home. Why have they to prove their virginity, To those who are not sure about their own. Why???
Now that I am going to stay at home, Let me taste the sweetness of solitude, Let me count my own heart beat, And feel my own breath, Finally enjoy this solace till eternity.
Why regard women as powerhouse, When their self respect is slaughtered. Why preach the gospel of equality When they can't stand and ask for justice. Why have they to wait for a tsunami to clean up the society And create a new world for them to live peacefully and with dignity.