"Right from birth to death "
we are all alone ................
"Wiseness is inbuilt a gift of God no one can force it" π
"Death is end of one era and start of another"
"Love is a expression of God in every person respect it with full honesty" πΉ
"Courage is when you are shattered from inside completely but still have strength to stand up again"
"It takes era to make a world, and second to destroy"
πΏ Dr. Renu Dixit πΏ
"A brother is a gift from God, he is all, a best friend, a saviour, a father, a brother understand you as No one can"
πΏ Dr. RenuDixit πΏ
"Rain β is the shower of blessings from God, just feel it"
πΏ Dr. RenuDixit πΏ
"Deapth of love should be like sea π, but as sea knows it's limitations we should too"
πΏ Dr. RenuDixit πΏ