Time & People both are Variables. It's our choice whom we will keep as Constant and whom as Variable. ~ Soumi Pal
It's never Too Late for a New Beginning Just you Need to be Determined and Positive. And Success will follow Your Home. ~ Soumi Pal
सीधी बात बोलने से डरो नहीं, क्योंकि सीधी बात बोलना तुम्हारा जन्मगत अधिकार है। उसका जतन करो तिरस्कार नहीं ।।
You cannot erase the events of Past, Before Present turns into past and You turn to History, Think Wisely with All Your Wit and Wisdom. ~Soumi
Make your Attitude as your Dress, You will be Safe and earn Self Respect. Don't make your Attitude as your Crown, Otherwise you can't take the weight of Defamation.