Today, I stopped running behind my dreams, when I realized that the more I run behind something, the far it goes away from me...!
Sometimes, when I ask myself, why I took so many years to find out my destiny, then the Universe replies me back that the years of hardship will be always with you to remind your true potential, because your destiny is not so easy....
Today, my time would not have been so beautiful, if I could never have seen those painful moments in my life...!
Life will give you everything, that you desire of, but before that you have to win the test to prove yourself what you deserve
I am strong, because I know my weakness. I am beautiful, because I am aware of my flaws. I am fearless, because I learn to recognize illusion from real. I am wise, because I learn from my mistakes. I am a lover, because I have felt the hate.
One day I was in need of a friend to show the World that I am happy! Today, I need only my company to feel my utter happiness!!!