Kaalnari Kaal Nari
Literary Captain

I'm Kaalnari and I love to read StoryMirror contents.

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आत्म बोध की यात्रा सहज हो तो अच्छा है।

आत्म बोध की यात्रा सहज हो तो अच्छा है।

आत्म बोध की यात्रा सहज हो तो अच्छा है।

आत्म बोध की यात्रा सहज हो तो अच्छा है।

Zero per cent of expectations from the others is equal to more than a hundred per cent of acceptance of the Self by the Self.

If you have tears in your eyes and your heart is getting heavy, you would not be able to think clearly and in a concrete way. A sincere and serious thinking requires stable and steady mental status.

If one wants to grasp the core essence of a book then he or she must go through it thrice. The first reading tells the reader what is there in the book, the second reading explains why is it there and the third reading makes one learn how to apply its message in the life.

किसी भी संबंध की समृद्धि समय की सुई या तन की निकटता पर नहीं बल्कि केवल और केवल मन के सान्निध्य पर निर्भर करती है।

To talk about goal and to work on it are two different things. Let's come and vanish it's difference with goal oriented vision and eternal moves diligently and persistently.



