The Legends Of Atsuki Chapter 1: The Birth Of A Legend
The Legends Of Atsuki Chapter 1: The Birth Of A Legend

So, it was all set, the Nordians were leading a common life, they worshipped, did different jobs and etc. 90 Nordian years was passed, the last legend was living his last day. It was a cloudy day, and the flow of wind was very high. The last legend was having his last breath. " Hey lord, I am extremely thankful that you chose me as your servant to wipe off all the injustice and problems from this world and now this is the time for me to sacrify my life and get yati (blessings) of yours. And hereby I choose my youngest and dearest disciple to hereby handle this sacred spirit and carry on the justice." By saying these lines, he passed away.
It was a day of silence as the one and only legend who reshaped the world even after a huge chaos left the world after living for more than 300 years. After his death, a whole new administration was brought up and carried on which included the king and queen system. And generation by generation the remaining sacred spirit was passed on to those who were worthy of these powers. And before living this world, the legend also created a new type of energy and martial art style so that the Nordians would defend themselves from any unknown problems.
Now the story shifts to the present time, Narushi is the 10th disciple who is having the flaming bay and is also going to become the king of the second half portion of planet Nord. Narushi is on his way to crack all the tasks and mission which will be deciding that whether he is worthy of this position or not. It is morning time, Narushi is meditating at the center of a heavily dense rainforest. His mission is now to kill the gang who are killing animals from the past 2 years for the sake of business. Narushi suddenly awaken the 1st stage of the spirit, where his eyeball changes its look from a normal eye to the eyes of the flaming bay. His body tr
ansforms and become more muscular, his nails get longer and sharper, and some black spots like tiger forms on his face.
He stands with anger and jumps off from the hill down, on the other side the gang of 12 were brutally killing the animals and enjoying their job. Suddenly they hear a roaring sound which make them alert. One of the members ignores the warning and starts to hunt again and then suddenly he heard a noise. He just turns back and Narushi teared his chest with his nails.
By the death sound of the 10th member all of them start to find him and suddenly Narushi covered with whole blood lands behind them. " So, I am here to accept your death buddies ". The gang members fight back using their max powers, but Narushi kill each of the bastards easily and deactivates the first stage. Narushi was about to move from there and his informer came there. After hearing his information, Narushi rushes towards the hospital where his wife is admitted. At the time of dusk Narushi reach the hospital. He rushes directly into the room and sees his wife showing no movement at all. The nurse holding the child in her hand sadly says, " sorry sir, we tried our best but we're unsuccessful to save your wife. "
Suddenly the child reacts and touches his nose with his soft hands. Narushi's eyes fills with tears as the same move his wife did too when she used to be sad. Narushi holds his child and weeps a lot. He then exits the hospital. The hospital was completely surrounded by the crowd. Narushi sadly screams and reply " unfortunately my wife left me, but she left her precious gift to me. My everything, the next king, your's Atsukkki ! " and shows the child to the whole crowd.
The whole crowd screams and welcome child by serving a rain of flower on him. And the legend Atsuki is born.