Adhithya Sakthivel

Crime Thriller Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Crime Thriller Others

The Human Animal

The Human Animal

11 mins

NOTE: This story is based on Author’s fiction. It doesn’t apply to any historical references or real-life incidents. In so many of my stories, bad parenting is one of the reasons for the killers to be formed. We have seen that in a lot of stories but in today’s story, in which stage does the parenting starts, and today’s story is going to be the case which every parents should read. This will be one of my most violent, gory and brutal story in my writing career after my previous story Animal.

DISCLAIMER: I recommend a strict parental guidance if kids wish to read this story because of the excessive violence and gore. Since this story is strictly restricted for adult readers.

JANUARY 13, 1995


The time is around 8 in the morning. A person is going for a walk in the park. In the way he saw a weird scene from a distance and the scene which he is seeing, looks like an animal attacked another animal. In a confusion he went near to see and started to vomit in that place. Because like he thought it is not an animal. It’s a dead body of a girl. The head of the dead body was smashed and seeing that she was stabbed more than 300 times, that person immediately informed the police.

Inspector Krishna who came to the spot said to his constable: “I had never seen this type of crime in my life.”

The next day it started to become a sensational news. Now the crime scene belongs to the Loyola college of Chennai. In this university due to poverty or some other reason, the students who couldn’t continue their higher education, study there. 19-years old Nithila who study computer course was murdered brutally like this.

Krishna who went there started the investigation and sent the body for autopsy. The report said there were more than 300 wounds in her body and her cause of death was due to the continuous attack for 1.5 hours. Throughout the 1.5 hours Nithila was alive and with the small stones in her brain, since the killer smashed her head with a large rock she died, and in that only her skull was crushed completely and some parts of that skull were missing. Beyond all this in her chest a symbol was drawn. By looking at this Krishna doubted that it might be the work of a black magic group.

Now Krishna started investigating the students and staffs of the college. One of the staff came and gave a coat to him. When Krishna checked the coat, he was shocked to see Nithila’s missing skull pieces in the pocket. When he investigated whose court is that, he came to know that it belongs to 18-years old Angel Pike who studies in the same university.

Immediately the police arrested Angel Pike and started the investigation. During the investigation, similar to the symbol drawn on Nithila’s chest, Krishna noticed a dollar on Pike’s neck. In the police investigation Pike who was silent for a while finally started to confess what happened and the things she confessed were very cold blooded and brutal. Her confession, not only the common people but the police who heard that, made to think whether she is a girl or an animal. This is the confession which made the police and Tamil Nadu state people shocked.

Pike was born on 1976 in West Chennai. Since her mother was addicted to alcohol, 2 years later after she was born her parents got a divorce. Pike started to grow with her grandmother, but when she was 12, her grandmother died.

Pike was heartbroken and tried to commit suicide. But Pike’s mother saved her. After that when Pike was staying with her mother, her mother’s boyfriend started to abuse her. Pike who was mentally disturbed became more disturbed because of this. Her mother didn’t give her a proper treatment thinking it won’t affect a lot.

Pike’s mother who doesn’t even spend for her treatment, will she spend for her education? As a result of this, she couldn’t able to continue her studies. At that time through the newspaper she came to know about Loyola college, which is run by missionaries, closer to the then DMK party. Immediately she went there and joined the nursing course.

There Pike met 19 years old boy named Prince. In a few days both of them fell in love and the days passed. That’s when the Christmas holidays came and after the holidays when they came back, Pike’s boyfriend Prince stood close with Nithila. Seeing him standing closer to her and talking she became angry.

Now Pike went near them. She asked Prince: “You both went dating during the holidays behind my back, right?”

Prince replied, “No. It was not like what you think Pike.” Nithila also said it was not like that but Pike didn’t believe it. She started to fear that Nithila might separate her from her boyfriend.

Few days later on January 12, around 8 PM, Pike and Prince said to Nithila that they hid drugs in the park behind the campus. If she come with them, she will also get some. They asked her to come with them. Nithila also said she will come.

Now Pike, Prince along with a girl Jasmine joined them. All four of them went to the park and after they went, Prince and Jasmine stopped in a place few distance before. Since both of them know what Pike is going to do with Nithila.

Yes. Prince belongs to a community who worship Satan. He will always discuss it with his friends. Pike who heard him speaking about human sacrifice with his friend, said: “Why can’t we use Nithila for the sacrifice?”

Prince also said okay to that and it is the plan they made perfectly. According to their plan since no one should go there while it happens, a few distance before they stopped. Without noticing Nithila also walked joyfully and when she walked for a while, suddenly Pike put her hand on her shoulder and asked her to stop.

When Nithila turned back, Pike asked her: “Are you trying to separate my boyfriend from me?” She punched on Nithila’s face. In that Nithila lost her balance and fell down. She got up and knelt down.


While kneeling down, Nithila said: “It was not like what you think Pike.” But Pike who was in the peak of anger went near Nithila, and grabbed her hair. She started to press her till her face touched her knee.

Now Nithila pushed her asking to leave her. At that time only, she noticed that Prince and Jasmine was not there. The surrounding was fully dark without knowing what to do and what is happening, Nithila was confused and started to cry in fear. When she was crying Pike started to kick in her face and stomach continuously.

Now Nitihila started crying and said: “It was not like what you think. Leave me.”

Pike asked her to shut up and put her hand in her coat pocket. She took a box cutter knife and with that, first she started to cut Nithila’s neck but even then she didn’t stop screaming. Pike again started to cut Nithila’s neck. Now when Nithila stopped screaming that place became very silent and both of them were silent for a while.

Now Pike turned and looked whether anyone is coming. Nithila took that chance and started to run away. Seeing this Pike started chasing her and with the knife she had in her hand, she started to stab Nithila’s neck. When Nithila collapsed and fell down she started to stab in her stomach.

Now Nithila said: “Leave me. I will go away from this town. I won’t tell this to anyone.” She started to plead and cry.

But Pike said: “It’s too late.” She started to laugh heavily. Later Pike said to Krishna that she heard a voice to kill Nithila immediately in that situation. Like she said when she heard the voice in the intention of killing Nithila, with the box cutter knife how much ever and wherever she could stab, she stabbed in her neck, stomach, face and throughout the body continuously. Because of this from Nithila’s body a lot of blood came out. Even then Pike didn’t stop stabbing and Nithila didn’t stop pleading.

Even though without losing hope Nithila tried to escape many times. Each time when she tried to escape, Pike stopped and pushed her down. Then, she continued stabbing. The things I said happened for an hour. At one stage both of them became tired. Now, Nithila started to bleed throughout her body.

Even in that situation Nithila got up and started running again.

“Even after getting stabbed for many times how could she run again?” Like this Pike became angry and started chasing her. She picked up a stone and threw it on Nithila’s head. At the same time Prince and Jasmine came there and saw.

Seeing Nithila running and Pike chasing her, immediately Prince also ran and took the stone. He started throwing it on Nithila’s head. Without being able to run anymore, Nithila fell down. But even now she didn’t give up and pleaded to leave her.

Now Pike said: “Stop talking. Do you know how difficult it’s to kill someone while they are talking?” Like this she screamed in rage and looked around. Now seeing a big rock near her without being able to carry she carried it, and put it on Nithila’s head who was unable to get up. When she forcefully put it on her head the rock scattered into pieces. At the same time Nithila’s head was smashed and her skull was crushed. Her brain became visible and she died on the spot.

Now when Nithila’s skull was crushed Pike took a piece of it. She put it in her coat pocket. Prince who came there, with the knife Pike had he drew a star symbol on Nithila’s chest. After drawing Prince and Pike dragged Nithila’s body and dumped in a place. After that they took Nithila’s gloves, ID and everything, and disposed it in a dustbin near the gas station.

After that, the next morning a person who went walking in the park, saw it and informed the police. At the same time Pike said about the murder she did to her friends proudly. That too while singing and dancing she said it casually with a smile. Like the Jyothika in Chandramukhi she showed her shoe and pant, and said that it was Nithila’s blood and skull. Not only she showed the skull, but also with that skull she used it as a spoon and ate her breakfast.

Now on March 22, 1996, Prince was given 25 years imprisonment and Jasmine was given six years imprisonment. Pike was given the capital punishment, death sentence.

Now Pike is 47 years old and she is still in jail. In between that a lot of social activists and Pike’s lawyers, said: “She was only 18 when the incident happened. At that time her brain was not fully developed. From her childhood she was abused a lot.” Like this, they argued. But High court didn’t accept any of their statement. But, when they checked her mental health, a big shock was waiting for the court.


“In our brain the sense which separate good from bad, is located in the brain’s frontal lobe. But that part in Pike’s brain, was severely damaged while she was born. And do you know the reason? Pike’s mother consumed a lot of alcohol when she was in her stomach. The effect of consuming a lot of alcohol when Pike was in her mother’s stomach, 18 years later it took the life of Nithila horribly.

We can say this as a social disorder. Because parenting doesn’t start when the child is born. It starts when the foetus was inside the stomach. Even a seed is sown in the ground after checking whether is fertile or not. But because of some reason when it doesn’t grow and restricts the growth of other plants, we should definitely cut it, if it is like this, then a mother who brings life to this world when carrying a foetus in her stomach, how much careful she should be. But like we see in all cases, we can’t justify Pike’s act with all these and now she is counting her days. She was given the most brutal punishment that is electrocution. One day she will go and sit in that electric chair. Like how she killed Nithila brutally, she will die similarly.




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