Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Drama Classics


Mahin Qureshi

Children Stories Drama Classics

Sweets And Children

Sweets And Children

2 mins

It's a big conversation night between sweets. Mr. Ladu is the head. 

Mr. Ladu: Good Morning Everyone! Today we're here to discuss the dental problems between children. Children are eating us so much nowadays. 

Ms. Jalebi: Yes you're correct. Children's teeth are having many dental problems. We need to do something!!

Ms. Rabdi: But what we can do?

Mr. Gulab jamun: Yes!!! It's really difficult to make every child's dental problems free. 

Ms. Sonapapdi: But if we'll do so then maybe children can stop eating us. 

Mr. Ladu: No, we can try an idea in which we'll convey them to minimize eating us. It will not harm us also, and children will be dental problems free!!

Chocolate: Buddies!! I have an idea.

Everyone: Tell us!!!

Chocolate: Well, when any child comes to buy any one of us then, we'll keep a card and in that card, we'll write our message.

Mr. Ladu: Amazing Idea Chocolate! Ok so it's final but what message we can write?

Ms. Jalebi: Write this; Dear Children, we sweets gladly request you to don't take us in more amounts. It will harm you. And also cause many dental problems. We'll feel bad if you'll suffer from dental problems. We love you so much. You're our best friends! Take us but in small quantities. We hope you'll follow this. 

    - Your all favorite sweets.

Chocolate: This is a good one, Jalebi! 

Mr. Ladu: Ok so we're done! We'll keep a card in every sweet Box which will contain a card of our message. 

After some days, Children minimized eating sweets and became dental problems free!! Now, everyone was happy.

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