Social Media Is Such Bullshit
Social Media Is Such Bullshit
Social Media Is Such Bullshit
So if you know me or follow me you know I'm always telling it like it is. I don't hold back. I always say that I am not Willy Wonka, I do not sugarcoat shit.
So here it is, point blank. I think social media is bullshit. Yes, I said it. There are so many things out there that are so fake, things that probably take these “influencers” hours to film. They make it seem like they are doing these things effortlessly. In reality, it's not like that at all, but it makes us all feel bad. We're watching this thinking oh my God, they can do this so beautifully and I can't. Or we see it and say “Oh my god, I have a job and kids, and homework and a house to clean and how come my house doesn't look like this? Or my family isn't this perfect?
It makes the rest of the world feel bad for their lives or about themselves for not looking a certain way or having certain things or being able to do all these things.
We have to remember that this is a fake world. It is staged and filmed over and over to look perfect. These are the lies that they are living and promoting and we are believing them. The real question is why they are influencing us. What the hell does their opinion matter? Does having a designer purse make you a better person? Does lying about your life justify us to look up to them?
Wow, if that is the case then we are in r
eal trouble. Why are worrying so much about strangers liking us? Why are we believing all that they post? What makes us want to look up to them? To be like them? It's because we are buying into the lies. Look, it was bad enough when we had Martha Stewart to make us feel bad now there are millions of Marthas out there doing this.
When in reality most of us are just trying to pay our bills or to get any sort of dinner on the table after a long, hard day of work. When we finish with homework, laundry, and cleaning up, we are lucky to be able to stay up for 20 minutes to sit down and put our feet up before falling asleep and having to do it all over again tomorrow. Give me a frigging break, when do I have time to make a gourmet meal or sew my kid's clothes or make a centerpiece out of Q-tips? We are barely getting by. So stop already with your fake bullshit lives.
So today my friends, I am here to tell you, you are doing your best. These “influencers” lives are not what they seem so don't let them make you feel bad. There are real women out here just like you, struggling to get through the day and it's okay. Life is never what it seems to be especially the lives on social media. Be you, do your best, and don't look up to some crap you see on the internet. Trust me, it's all just lies to make you feel bad because social media is such bullshit.
“Be the change you want to see”