Arun Gode



Arun Gode


Religious hurdle

Religious hurdle

4 mins

                     The youngest common boy from common family from very small town passed so many hurdles for getting job after graduation. He was the last friend in his friend circle who got employed among them. Good things come to those who wait. He gets himself married with beautiful girl who was teacher in government aided school. Everything was with him except the closest friends when he was in sound position. He had two sons. Though he was seemed to be very happy with his family, but he was still alone without his school friends in the big city. His elder brother was cold feet with him as he married with the girl of his choice. He was interested in another girl who belonged to very well-to-do family. She was alone to her parent. His parent had a lot of disputed wealth. His brother was an employee in the revenue unit in district office. It was a common thing for him to find solution to such disputed wealth. He thought that he would manage all that property matter so that both of them would be in comfortable position. The relation between two brothers gets spoiled beyond extreme level. They weren’t at all ready to see their faces. Their father was already left this world when they weren’t matured. Mother was only thread between them to keep them tied. But she couldn’t keep them to-gather. She would stay with her younger son only. His elder brother got so hurt that he had broken all the relations with his sisters and brother just for a manageable matter.

                He was hurt lion due to failure of his ambitious plan.  Instead of supporting his younger brother as father, he made up his mind to place many hurdles in his life thereafter. He denied his legitimate claim on ancient property as leopard never changes it’s spot. He would criticize him in the community. Being elder, he couldn’t discharge the duties of an elder brother due to his own interest. His sisters had gone against elder brother due to his rigid stand which compelled them to stand rigidly with younger brother. The family train derailed due to large unequal gap between two parallel tracks.

                    After some time, their mother who was residing with younger son get affected by memory loss. She couldn’t remember her home and was unable to communicate with others. The younger son faced so many problems because of his mother due loss of memory in a big city. He had decided to keep her at elder son in small town where she had spent her entire life. Many people and boys

would recognize their mother in that small town. His elder brother kept his mother as she wasn’t the physically as well as financial burden due to her good health and pension except memory loss. After period of some years, his mother took her last breath in absence of her younger son and daughters. Elder son didn’t inform to all of them. Younger son ‘s friends informed him about sad demises of the mother. Anyhow, he and his sisters were managed to see her before funeral at the funeral place. As per all prevailing religious acts, younger son was supposed to complete all religious matter for their dead mother. He had completed that all religious process against his elder brother’s will. He was internally totally dead against about interference of his younger brother. But he couldn’t do anything against the set customs. He gets himself annoyed but he was helpless. So, he held his horse in that situation.  

         Younger brother had two sons. His elder son was an engineer in the Bangalore city. His bride was to be a software engineer in Pune. They would meet with each other as they were going to marry soon. Unfortunately, there was a pandemic in the world. There was total ban on all these functions. Both families were waiting for opening of lock-down in the country so that they would get their kids married. The government relaxed some norms of pandemic. They were allowed to arrange the functions with minimum limit. But there was an emergency with the families for getting them married at the earliest. But there was a religious hurdle in the way. As per Hindu costmary, the wedding ceremony begins after the marriage of Goddess Tulsi after Diwali festival. Both family couldn’t postpone the marriage due to their unavoidable reason.

         There was nobody with father of bridegroom to guide him. His parent was no more in this world. His elder brother was segregated from him in the past. He was in trouble. He couldn’t understand What should he do in such circumstance. He expressed his difficulty to his childhood friend. He suggested to him that he should go ahead for marriage against set traditions. He also suggested him that he should invite only few close relatives from either sides in the marriage due to severe pandemic. when tough gets going, going get tough. He argued his friend that all customs and rules should be followed when conditions remain normal. In abnormal conditions like Korona pandemic, it shouldn’t be followed strictly. We had to manage the things for the survival of mankind only. There is no big religion in the world than humanity as stitch in time save nine.

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