Bhagirathi Mohanty

Abstract Romance Classics


Bhagirathi Mohanty

Abstract Romance Classics

K.B.C. - Seven crores

K.B.C. - Seven crores

13 mins

People try their luck in different entrepreneurship. They lend money in interest; daily, weekly, monthly. The fund in banks and insurance companies.

   Occasionally, these corporate zones work wonders. An instance dispatched for a trainer, Suraj Singh who deposited, three installments in S.B.I. Life in a long-term scheme assured rupees one crore before he died in an accident.  Amazingly, his widow claimed it and got the whole sum..

 The quickest and surest way of getting a return of investment with capital and interest is buying a lottery ticket and turning it into affluent overnight. But it is pure luck.

   People also fund their money in share markets. Nevertheless, rise and fall in stock markets are very common. 

      Intentionally, studying the mindset of the people, many microfinance companies like Sea Shore, cheated the depositors tempting them to get back their deposit twice or thrice in a stipulated time, whose cases have not yet been solved.

       At the onset of the renaissance, scientific progress in different fields made people rise from slumber. Butter system was abolished. Paper currency came to use, the uncomplicated means of exchange.  Serfdom made the Indian farmers suffer heavily, as the major quantity of the products was chopped by the landlords. Industrial India was in need of labourers to work in different factories. This created opportunity for different components of people rush to the cities more than they wanted. Squatters increased. communication and transportation were easier.

     Expeditious urbanization badly affected agriculture. But it ought to happen. There was a hidden competition among the sophisticated, lower, semi lower and middle class people to own all that provide a sumptuous living.  Eventually, everybody were on the way of earning crores of rupees. Begining from, Manipur gold loans to housing loans provided by centralised and private banks wheedeled majority to take advantage of it. Money laundering got going. crores of bucks acquired by smuggling narcotics, viz, brown sugar, L,S,D. tablets, cannabis; so and so. Ciber deception sprightly spread..

  A new group of intellectuals in collaboration with the advertising companions, for their commodities, organized quiz panel games, and K, B. C. Sponsored by annunciations, anchored by Amitav Bachana, the great, attracted many erudite, irrespective of age to prove their pedanticism and earn as much money as they could accumulate by choosing the right from the multiple choices.

     Govind, a clerk, was selected to participate in K.B.C.with a view to rid of his poverty. He was one among the few. He was fortunate enough to choose the best among the four alternatives and occupied the hot seat. The quiz was not less than preparing for competitive exams like; O.A.S., I.P.S. I.A.S. and I. F. S. cadres.

     He had a self-faith that he would not leave the seat until he grabbed a long sum. He felt dignified coming so close to the hero of many dreams.  

    Slowly and steadily, he saddled to fifty lakhs. Breathlessly, he waited for his answer to ride to one crore. There was a deadly silence before the response signaled green. Isn't it an unreachable dream, when Bachana Sir roared,

 "one crore".

    A hubab congratulated Govind. He saluted God and the competitors for his achievement. Bachana Saab, signed the cheque and handed over to him.

      Gobind was almost leaving the seat, just when Bachana ji lured him to continue the game. He thought for a while and sat down shutting down his eyes. He got positive reply from the inner self,"Go on". 

    The questioner, placed before him on the keyboard, the four options for the biggest wining champianship.

    What a wonder ! A nail-biting hold back.

      "Answer is right" declared the computer.

     A mere clerk and seven crore cheque !!!

      Bachana Sir embraced him and took a selfie. when he was asked how would he spend the awarded amount, he answered,"Not yet decided, but in noble ways"

  A  Blockbuster, a megahit for his family members. They came running to him. Tears of joyfulness made them overwhelmed.

    Money is what money does. It makes or mar a person. Today, a man's personality is calculated by affluence and lusciousness.

 Govind's ephemeral opulence was published on the front page of newspapers in block letters. Messages and calls reached from every quarter congratulating him as acupuncture of seven crores. His boss and staff celebrated his success. Err to the day, he. was ill-estimated by his kith and kin as well as by his dearly loved wife. She claimed to be the most beautiful, nonetheless married to an abhorrent young man. She was the daughter of an upscale father. He confirmed her insistence.  

     Incidentally, Jharana converged with Govind during her journey to Puri in Dhauli express. Splendidly Govind won her heart. They talked about many things together; scheduled programs, to sea beach and LordJagannath temple. The duo deeply loved hearts promised to go further.

      At her return, Jharana expressed her willingness to marry Govind.  

    Reckless decision leads to ruin. It would have been better if Govind had studied the nighty gritty of Jharana' s disposition. But what to be must be. She showed off her true aura, some days after the marriage. She demanded a number of things beyond his reach. Daily bickers exploded the relationship. Consequently, she left Govind for her father.

    The resolution to crush down the dearths propelled him to prepare for K.B.C. and helped him reach the summit.  

    It was Jharana again placating him, dissimulating tears exhibiting, " oh my darling. Curse me. abuse me, I of course, deserve it. During the long slot, I discerned how difficult it was to pass the weighing moments without you! Do whatever you want to do, punish me; but please pardon me to meet you once".

  At last Govind laughed crudely and said "poverty and prosperity are the times to recognise your other half. You left me alone to suffer the eventide. I have no complaint if you return and live with my family but not with me" 

     Dozens of fair weather friends and relatives congregated and baffled him everyday. Lots of propositions were given to him as regards to making proper use of the coveted amount. Simultaneously, one and the other crinkled him to lend, for his father's surgery, daughter's marriage, complete the residence under construction. He was thwarted, dispirited, and requested them to give him some time to think, as the real amount released by the bank after-tax deduction is not yet known. The egocentric relatives could not help but went off one after another. He breathed freely. after their departure. He actualized his life as a clerk in dire destitution was far better than the life after he possessed the unmanageable seven crores. Therefore, the billionaires are not at;arm-guarded, spend wakeful and restless nights.

      Unacquainted, Govind's wife arrived at aggress his headache. She gashed crocodile tears to prove her simplicity. He was heedless to her. He got rid of Jharana ; didn't articulate and demised silently. He arrived a cafe and ordered a coffee. People surrounded and buzzed at him. He was in a over haul. Some known faces among them adjured him to, align a delux party, in a fabulous cruise ship.

      He didn't have to do anything. His acquaintances advanced it, invited the guests, and other essentialities. He had to only sign the cheque. A cheque! A cheque of fifty lakhs ; estimated for the party. Ha. ..ha. ...he laughed heartily. The time present, he was not a clerk in a private firm ! ! !. He remembered his father's advice, "Don't draw any money for pomp and pleasure. Pay off the debts. Improve our condition. Don't spend money impulsively. Mismanagement of funds is responsible for poverty. "


People try their luck in various ways.They Invest money in trade and commerce; lend money in interest; daily, weekly, monthly. They fund in banks and insurance companies.

   Occasionally, these corporate zones work wonder. An instances dispatched for a trainer, Suraj Singh who deposited, three instalments in S.B.I. Life in a long term scheme assured rupees one crore before he died in accident.  Amazingly, his widow claimed it and got the whole sim.

 The quickest and surest way of getting return of the investment with capital and interest is buying a lottery ticket and turn in to affluent overnight. But it is purely a luck.

   People also fund their money in share markets. Nevertheless, the rise and fall in stock markets are very common. 

      Intentionally, studying the mind set of the people, many micro finance companies like She Shore, cheated the depositors whose cases have not been solved.

       At the on set of renaissance, scientific progress in different fields made people rise from slumber.Butter system abolished. Paper currency came to use, the uncomplicated means of exchange. exchange. Serfdom made the Indian farmers suffer heavily, as the major quantity of the products were chopped by the landlords. Industrial India was in need of labourers to work in different factories. This created opportunity for different components of people rush to the cities more than they wanted. Squatters increased. communication and transportation were easier.

     Expeditious urbanization influenced agriculture.But it ought to be happened. There was a hidden competition among the sophisticated lower or semi lower middle class people to own all that provide a sumptuous living , eventually, crores of rupees to earn by any means. Begining from, Manipur gold loans to housing loans provided by centralised and private banks wheedled majority to take advantage of it. Money laundering got going. crores of bucks acquired by smuggling narcotics, viz, brown sugar, L,S,D. tablets, cannabis; so and so. Ciber deception sprightly sped.

  A new group of intellectuals in collaboration with the advertising companions,for their commodities, organized quiz panel games, and K, B. C. Sponsored by annuciations, anchored by Amitav Bachana, the great, attracted many erudites, irrespective of age to prove their pedanticism and earn as much money as they could accumulate by choosing the right from the multiple choices.

     Govind, a clerk, selected the best among the fours and occupied the hot seat. The quiz was not less than preparing for competitive exams like; O.A.S., I.P.S. I.A.S. and I. F. S. cadres.

     He had a self-faith that he would not leave the seat until he grabbed a long sum. He felt dignified coming so close to the hero of many dreams.  

    Slowly and steadily, he saddled to fifty thousand. Breathlessly, he waited for his answer to ride to one crore. There was a deadly silence before the response signalled green. Isn't it an unreachable dream, when Bachana Sir roared,

 "one crore".

    A hubab! congratulated Gobind. He saluted God and the competitors for his achievement. Bachana Saab, signed the cheque and handed over to him.

      Govind was almost leaving the seat, just when Bachana ji lured him to continue the game. He thought for a while and sat down shutting down his eyes. He got a positive reply from the inner self,"Go on". 

    The questioner, placed before him on the key board, the four options for the biggest winning championship.

    What a wonder! A nail-biting hold back.

      "Answer is right" declared the computer.

     A mere clerk and seven crore cheque !!!

      Bachana Sir embraced him and took a selfie. when he was asked how would he spend the awarded amount, he answered, "Not yet decided, but in noble ways"

  A  Blockbuster, a megahit for his family members. They came running to him. Tears of joy made them overwhelmed.

    Money is what money does. It makes or mars a person. Today, a man's personality is calculated by affluence and lusciousness.

 Govind's ephemeral opulance published in the front page of news papers in block letters. Messages and calls reached from every quarters as an acupuncture of congratulating him. His boss and staff celebrated his success. Err to the day, he. was ill-estimated by his kith and kin as well as by his dearly loved wife. She claimed to be the most beautiful, nonetheless married to an abhorrent youngman She was the daughter of an upscale father. He conformed her insistence.  

     Incidentally, Jharana converged with Govind during her journey to Puri in Dhauli express. Splendidly Govind, exclusively won her heart. They talked many things together ; scheduled programs, to sea beach and temple. Tow deeply loved hearts promised to go further.

      At her return, Jharana expressed her willingness to marry Govind.  

    Reckless decision leads to ruin. It would have been better if Govind had studied the nighty gritty of Jharana' s disposition. But what to be must be. She showed off her true aura, some days after the marriage. She demanded a number of things beyond his reach. Daily bickers exploded the relationship. Consequently, he sent away her to her father's. Nonetheless, he avoided divorcing her. He left her to suffer the worse.

    The resolution to crush down the dearths propelled him to prepare for K.B.C. and helped him reach the submit.  

    It was Jharana again placating him, dismulatin tears exhibiting, " oh my darling. Curse me. abuse me,I of course deserve it. During the the long slot, I discerned how difficult it was to pass the weighing moments without you ! Do what ever you want to do, punish me ; but please pardon me to meet you once ".

   Govind laughed derisively and said, "poverty and prosperity are the times to recognise your other half .You left me alone to suffer the eventide.I have no complain if you return and live with my family but not with me"


     Dozens of fair weather friends and relatives congregated everyday and baffled him. Lots of of propositions were given to him as regards to make proper use of the coveted amount. Simultaneously,one and the other crinkled him to lend, for his father's surgery, daughter's marriage, complete the residence under construction. He was thwarted, dispirited and requested them to give him some time to think, as the real amount released by the bank after tax deduction is not yet known. The egocentric relatives could not help but went off one after another. He breathed freely. after their departure. He actualized nohis life as a clerk in dire destitution was far better than the life after he possessed the unimaginable seven crores. Therefore, the billionaires are not at peace ;arm-guarded, spend wakeful  restless nights.

      Unacquainted Govind's wife arrived to aggress his headache. She gashed crocodile tears to prove her simplicity. He was heedless to her. He got rid of Jharana ; didn't articulate and demised silently. He arrived a cafe and ordered a coffee. People surrounded and buzzed at him. He was in a over haul. Some known faces among them adjured hi ki

him to, align a delux party, in a fabulous cruise ship.

      He didn't have to do anything. His acquaintances advanced it, invited the guests, and other essentialities. He had to only sign the cheque. A cheque! A cheque of fifty lakhs ; estimated for the party. Ha. ..ha. ...he laughed heartily. The time present, he was not a clerk in a private firm ! ! !. He remembered his father's advice,"Don't draw any money for pomp and pleasure. Pay off the debts . Improve our condition. Don't spend money impulsively. Mismanagement of funds is responsible for poverty. "

    Nevertheless, the apprentice of his lewd friends, forced him to over drink.His condition was so delirious that, they helped him get at home. Unsteadily, he rode the stair cases and crumbled with a clamour. His wife was still awake.  She opened the door and dumb struck avouching his hazardous condition. She took him to bed unfastening his shoes. She crooked a smile as she odored the beginning of his fall.

     The next morning when Govind woke up, Jharana exposed before him his callowness..

    Simultaneously, she sullied, "A bramhin can intoxicate !"

      Immediately, his head down, he walked in to the wash room. He was embarrassed for his misdeed. He was scared of if she had been deluded him as a habitual drinker ! Furthermore, Jharana trumped card.  

   She said," It's time the Stalinists will converge you to mismanage your money. You must take care of it. Plan the sizeable sum to utilise for the development of our standard. Do you know neighbours and relations ridiculed us for our mediocre ?"

    Govind was pleased with her behaviour. He believed, she had altogether changed. He became an instrument in her hand. He transferred an elemental amount to her account to use at her will. At the latest, his father was admitted in the hospital for the surgery of his spinal code. Lakhs of rupees spent for the impetus ; his mother for a chronological asthma.

    Just when, a series of unfortunate events spread the  venom to exaggerate the situation, Jharana, uncaring the worst time, jumped to jewelleries after jewelleries, purchased expensive ornaments ; delighted her self in night clubs. Govind was dismayed. But she didn't mind. He was at the behest, to galvanize to broken hearts. Ultimately he failed.

   Quarrel resumed. It reached the worst finale ever,at the divorce suit. Jharana ran off to her earlier boyfriend, unheeding to it. He went to oblivion. The huge amount which was earned to utilise in his life long dream, splashed in brothels. Despite, ardent requests of his parents he did not oblige to it. They died from consternation.

    Govind was always surrounded by bad company.  He brought home a new bawd every night.  

   Once when the bank bounced the cheque, he woke up from hibernation. He was penniless. Nevertheless, he had given in to booze.  He was un shaved, unbathed half belly wore torn. Very often people saw him fallen subcontinent beside runers and took him home.

   Consequently, the possessor of seven crores turned into a beggar due to the abuse of money.

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