Dear Love
Dear Love

Love is always beautiful. It is a beautiful word and wonderful feeling!!! Being in love is even more delightful!! It's always a pleasure to have fallen in love atleast once in life...but life becomes all the more glorious and marvy when the person you love, loves you back with all endearment and passion.
The magnificent college building with it's name shining(Location: PSG COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, COIMBATORE) in big bold alphabets, stood tall in the center with beautifully made greenery leaves and trees sprawled along both sides of the cement structure making the view charming and delightful. A row of mango trees edged the huge built giving put a hue of greenery and shade to the place. On one side of the college, there was a space for car parking and most of the cars occupying the place were of different colours namely, white, blue and violet. The lush green shrubs were neatly lined by antiquated street lamps which stood guarding the campus securely. The entire area was margined with lofty boundaries, as if to prevent the students from sneaking out at nights. (Little did they know that "love and mischief always find their way out").
The center place of the college nested the office administration and the left side of the college was cornered for a Temple. A few miles from the center place of the college is Science branch and library office. The left side of the college is surrounded by the Commerce branch and a small canteen and was beaming with students, patients and professors. The main building was surrounded by many saplings and trees which resembled one another and denoted the various wings of the college.
It was the first day for second year students and classes are yet to start for all. Since last year, the first year students had online classes and now only, they steps into the college. As Akhil stepped into the college, he recalled his school life by walking into the college. Thinking how much of beautiful moments have been spent in his school days and the friends, that he have got!!!
Akhil's parents Ram Prathap and Nalini got killed in 2008 Bomb blasts, Mumbai when he was just 8 years old. He was living with his grandfather Krishnan, an ex-Army General in Indian Army. From his 8 years of age, he grew under his guidance.
His grandfather is now 75 years of age and is still healthy, wearing a blue shirt and dhoti, with a thick blue eyes. He resembles the signs of smile in his lip and works on his own.
Akhil met so many friends and people, who have thought him several lessons. He further recalls about his few teachers like Dhivya mam and Karpagam mam, whom he considered as his Godmother.
He further recalls his friend Raagul Krishna and Rajiv Krishna. His comical moments with Raagul Krishna. He remembers how he use to touch his cheeky face and tell that, "He is very beautiful" and have fun with him.
And his another friend name Vishal, who used to hug Raagul and recalls how they use to mock Akhil was told as gay for ridiculing Raagul's weighted body...
Several memorable moments comes as a ray into his minds and he moves forward into the Commerce block. He suddenly hears a voice calling, "Hey Akhil."
He turns and sees.
The guy wears a thick blue jeans pant and a red colored full hand shirt with a cap in his head. He comes towards him and tells him, "I am calling you. You are moving forward."
"I am sorry, Rishi Khanna. I forgot to notice you" said Akhil.
After some gap, Akhil asks him "How are you da?"
"I am fine da. What happened to you? You seem to be thinking about something" said Rishi.
"Nothing much da...some school memories striked me..." Said Akhil.
After speaking, they enters into the class.
"Hmm...after one year, we are all meeting face to face, right!" Said Rishi.
"'s almost one year" said Akhil.
After a few classes, Akhil sees several of his friends like Prasanna, Rithik, Archana, Vishalakshi, Durga Harita, Shruthiga, Sruti Swetha and Swetha Varshini.
But, he misses one particular friend named, Darshini aka. Darshu.
He turns to Rishi and asks him, "Hey Rishi. Where is Darshini?"
"She will come da. Why?" asked Swetha Varshini.
"No. I asked simply" said Akhil.
Darshini now enters into the college. She is wearing a thick black glasses and chudithar. She meets everyone and talks good, except Akhil.
"Hey. What happened da? Why didn't didn't talk with you? Any problems between you both" asked Sanjay Kumar, one of Akhil's friends.
"Not like such da" said Akhil.
Akhil meets Darshini in the corridor, during the break to apologize her. But, she didn't mind him and he comes silently.
There Rishi and Shruthiga asks him, "What happened Akhil?"
"Nothing da. I simply went to the corridor. Why?" Asked Akhil.
"I know why have you came to the corridor. Tell me the truth. What happened between you and Darshini? Why is she angry with you?" asked Rishi Khanna.
"Yes. Tell us the truth" said Shruthiga.
"Ok. Cool down. I will tell the truth" said Akhil.
Before one year, Akhil was attending online classes. After some months, he met Dharshini in November. It was a co-instance. They both talked for some days having fun and lead a happy days.
She is motherless girl and was raised by her father. Hailing from Brahmin community in R.S.Puram, she is always charming and enjoys life, to the core.
He shared about his close friends Janani and tells, how he supported her and she in retribution, supported him a lot during his school days. They had several happiest moments, like this in the chat.
He fell for her slowly after becoming close friend with her. But, the day he confessed her about this, she was fearful and asked for time. Akhil forgot to chat with his friends too after he started to chat with Darshini.
One day, he called Darshini to his house, at the time of his grandfather's absence. She maanges to come to his house, after convincing her father. After she came to his house, they had a chat and during that time Akhil saw her eyes and tend to fall down.
He felt to kiss her lips but, stepped back...however, as a butterfly came in between them, he accidentally kisses her lips and tries to seduce her...angered, she slaps him...
Days later, when he apologized her, she blocks his contact.
Hearing this, Shruthiga and Rishi looked at him staring and asks, "Hey. Without our knowledge, have you gone to this much of romantic feelings ah?"
"Hey. Not like such. She is just my friend. At that time, many....use to tempt like such only right. Indeed to make her happy only, I pretended to love her...nothing of other sort" said Akhil.
"Reel reel...don't believe da, Rishi" said Shruthiga.
"It's not reel Shruthiga. That's only truth. I never like girls, in reality. Since, I was emotional after hearing her mother's demise, I supported her...nothing of other grandfather is everything to me...right after my parent's death in the bomb blast events" said Akhil.
"So. You didn't have any feelings for Darshini. Am I right?" asked Rishi and Prithviraj, who came moments later.
"Yes. I didn't have any feelings. My only ambition is to study well, win the music competition and finally join the Indian Army, as per my grandpa's wish" said Akhil.
"Then, why did you go upset man, when she blocked you? Why did you got hit in your eyes when she didn't even come to online classes? It's all a symbol of love and affection, right" said Shruthiga, to which Akhol stumbles to give a reply.
"You cannot give a reply da...because, you have her close to your heart" said Prithviraj and Rishi Khanna.
"Stop it da. Not at all like such...please don't take this topic, anymore" said Akhil and he leaves.
A months later, Akhil and the students are informed about the fourth semester exams and they are busy preparing for it. After some days, they get a leave and then, join for the college again, in the third year.
Darshini now feels that, Akhil is a good guy and forgives him. They patches up again and starts to have a normal kind of friendship. Initially, Darshini's close friend Vishalakshi opposes this. But, later she calms down and let's her to move on, after seeing Akhil's good nature. Days move on.
After 2nd CA exams one day, Darshini comes to canteen and started sipping her coffee in the cafeteria. She recalled her first day in the college and how this college had helped her shape into a mature, independent and confident human being.
Even today, the administration wing had the same hustle-bustle of freshers who were to start on the path to become the savior of human lives! Darshini wondered how time has flied and how she had found the purpose of her life in this college. She was lost in her thoughts when someone from behind tapped her shoulder.
"Darshini, what are you doing here? I thought you went to talk to Akhil" said Vishalakshi, now her roommate in the college.
"No. I had called him, but he is busy so he said he would see me later" said Darshini.
Vishalakshi was disappointed and sighed, "Oh, ok. I thought atleast today you would finally tell him how you feel for him. You have have in love with him since, the end of second year and he has no idea. He ought to know this dear. This time, Please talk your heart out and let him know how you feel."
Darshini replies her, "I am not sure, how would he react. I mean, we had fought and reconciled just a few days ago. We are good freinds for so long. He didn't love me and had just pretended to make me happier. I don't know what would he say. I just don't want to lose him."
"It is okay Darshu(as Vishalakshi called her), why are you being so pessimistic? He likes you and cares for you so much. I am sure he too has feelings for you and is just scared to tell you due to the fights, that you had with him. You too make such a great couple. Don't overthink. Just go and pour your heart out. Everything will be good" said Vishalakshi.
Shruthiga, who too arrived there in between, advises the same to Darshu and persuades her to talk with Akhil.
Darshu's lips curved into a small smile as her face had again lit up with hope.
A professor named Jackson was playing a piano and was beaming with people, since evenings were the most busiest time of the day. Ragul was rushing to get a plate of poor and dosa to attend to his customers. And in one corner, Akhil was doing exercise vigorously. Now, he have completely changed his looks into an Army-hair style and thick moustache.
Akhil wore a tattered jeans and a blue t-shirt. As he finished his exercise, his friends applauded and praised him for being dutiful to his ambitions.
"Come Akhil. Let's go for a fanta" said Rishi.
"No da. You carry on. I have to go and meet Darshini. She must be waiting" said Akhil, while starting his bike.
He goes and meets Darshini in Fun mall Cafe. She dommed a blue pants and a pitch cold shoulder top and paired them with small pearl studs and a rose pink lip gloss.
As Darshini walked out of the hostel, she admired the evening sky which
had just bid farewell to the sun and was starting to welcome the moon. Crows and a few birds started to go for their nest. Since, night is about to arrive. It took Darshu ten minutes to reach the Cafe.
Akhil was already there, sitting in one of the chairs, resting his hands on the round red silver table and looking into his mobile. Darshu pulled a chair and sat opposite to him.
Akhil acknowledged her with a hearty smile which formed a sweet dimples.
"Hey, what you want to order? Tea, coffee or Chai?" asked Akhil.
"Yeah" said Darshu.
Akhil waived into the waiter and placed the order.
"I am so tensed. Exams are in a month on one side and Army selection from NCC is on the other side. I don't know where to start from. Thankfully I have your notes, or else only God could have saved me. You tell me, "what happened?" You said you have to talk about something?" asked Akhil.
"Yes. I have been waiting to talk about this for so many days. But, I could not muster up the courage to speak about it" said Darshu.
After the waiter gave the ordered foods, they continued their conversation.
After sipping the coffee, Akhil asked Darshu, "you were saying something na...Darshu!"
"Akhil, you remember our third year annual cultural programmes?, where you have played "kannala kannala"?" asked Darshu.
Akhil nodded his head, while sipping his coffee.
"The song you played melted my heart and I fell in love with you. The way your fingers danced on your guitar in sync with your lips when you sang it, I just could not take my eyes off you. The rhythm of your music matched the rhythm of my heartbeats. Cupid struck, and I opened the doors of my heart which went and found it's way to your heart. As if it was destined, eventually we became friends and then very close friends. I adore you a lot, the way you care for me, the way you get angry on me, and all the times that you make me fall in love with you again with your sweet little gestures. Any girl would be privileged to have you in her life. I have always been in love with you Akhil, right from the night of the concert. But I could never say it to you. Days from now, we would have our final exams and then I don't even know if I would be continuing my internship from here. With lot of courage I decided to open my heart infront of you today" said Darshu.
Akhil looks silently while, Darshu continues.
"Besides music, your motivational speech about patriotism and equality too, touched me a lot. The way you took the quotes, the way you spoke, melted my heart. I love you, Akhil! And I will love you till eternity!" said Darshu.
When she finally looked up after a moments of shy, Akhil was dumbstruck and looking at her in complete awe.
Akhil cleared his throat before searching for the correct words, "Darshu! You are my best friend and really very special. But to be honest, I never thought about you in that way. I am not even able to register what all you said. I wanted you to be happier and always charming. My dreams are different. I have ambitions to join Indian Army as per grandpa's wish. And I have a drastic past from Janani's love life with Dhaswin. It's really difficult for me and love is not my cup of tea. It's about relationship between two. I had a big and harsh lessons in past through Dhaswin's life." He passed a little and then added, "Look Dear. I don't want to lose you because you are dear to me. Let's not complicate this. Forget about this topic and move on. I too have to go for Indian army, a very few days later."
Darshu's eyes had moistened up and her face had now turned pale.
Before Akhil could say something else, Darshu stood up, took her bag and turned to leave, "I will see you later Akhil."
Vishalakshi was busy writing notes and when Darshu entered the room. One look at her and she knew what must have happened in the Cafe. Darshu sat on the chair, buried her face in her hands and cried. Vishalakshi quickly went and hugged her trying to pacify her friend.
"It's Okay Darshu, don't worry. Everything will be fine" said Vishalakshi.
"It's all over, Vishalakshi. He considers his career to be important and asked me not to complicate this matter, further. I had dreamt of a life with him. Everything is shattered into pieces and I can't even put them back together" said Darshu, in between her sobs.
"Have a little water first. Let's talk about it and figure out something. Stop crying" said Vishalakshi.
Vishalakshi had held Darshu close to her all this while, trying hard to control her own tears. She was heartbroken seeing her best friend's plight.
Angered with Akhil, she immediately goes and informs this to Shruthiga and Rishi Khanna, who still doesn't know about the incident at cafe.
They goes and confronts Akhil. However he warns them not to convince him about Darshu's anymore.
Rishi asks him, "I very well knew that you love Darshu. But, tell me the truth. What happened before you met her?"
Being forced by Shruthiga also, he tells what happened a few hours he went to meet her.
Her father Surya came to meet him and told that, "He likes him so much. But, as an orthodox brahmin, he never allows inter-caste love and begged Akhil to stay away from such thoughts."
He pleads them not to reveal this to Vishalakshi or Darshu. However, Vishalakshi hears this and remains silent about this to Darshu.
The entire night, while Darshu lay wide awake on her bed, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Akhil on the other hand remains asleep remaining about the incident in Cafe. To get peace, he switch on his phone and plays the song, "Kannai vittu kannam pattu enge ponaai..." and remains idle.
The next morning, all comes normal to the college, except Darshu and Akhil. They are now no more talking and keeps fighting. After the semester exams get completed and results are announced, Akhil proceeds to NCC training and is getting recruited for Army selection regiment.
He is ready to go after a few days. However at that time, his phone suddenly rings and he goes to see it. A phone call from Rishi have come.
He attends and answers asking, "Tell me da Rishi. How are you?"
"Where are you da, Akhil?" asked Rishi.
"I am getting ready for going to Kashmir" said Akhil.
"Can you please come to KMCH hospitals immediately?" asked Rishi.
"Why da? What happened?" asked Akhil.
"You come da. I will tell everything" said a panicking Shruthiga, who attends the conference call with Rishi.
Akhil rushes with high grandfather and sees Vishalakshi, Shruthiga and Rishi Khanna. He asks, "what happened da?" to Rishi.
"Darshini's father suffered a severe heart attack da. He is in his death bed. Doctors told that, he already had heart ailments and let it unknown to Darshu. He want to speak with you itseems" said Rishi.
"What about Darshu?" asked a panicking Akhil.
"She became unconscious, unable to bear the shock and is near to the room of her father" said Vishalakshi.
Hearing this, Akhil falls down and tears starts to roll down like a running water from his eyes. His face turned pale and his heart stops like a sudden brake.
He goes to see Darshu's father who apologizes to him and requests him to take care of his daughter. Since, he knew his true love for her. He dies immediately.
Akhil goes to see Darshu and tells her, "Darshu. I have done a great mistake by rejecting your love. I am unable to see you like this. Come on Darshu. Get up. Fight with me, talk with me. I want you to hug me and cry sharing everything. I love you Darshu. I love you so much."
Darshu slowly regains consciousness and sees Akhil besides her and she accepts his love, feeling happier.
At the same time, Akhil's grandfather suffers a breathing problem and faints. He gets admitted by Rishi. Learning his grandfather's condition, Akhil goes and learns from the doctor that, "He already had the breathing problems and didn't reveal reveal him. He wanted his grandson to be happier."
His grandfather in his deathbed advises his grandson, "Love is eternal. It's beautiful. Make your partner Darshu happier forever. Your parent's love is eternal eventhough they died. God bless you da."
After the cremation, Akhil takes Darshu to his home and after some days, they lead a normal life and Akhil plans to go for Indian Army.
Before going, he hold a farewell party with his friends and that night, he sees Darshu, wearing the blue sari, which Akhil wished from her.
Akhil plays the music Kannala Kannala song to Darshu and asks her, "How you feel about this song Darshu?"
"It's good Akhil" said Darshu.
Slowly, Akhil sees Darshu's eyes and cheeky face. He slowly moves into her hand and gently kisses her lips. Afterwards, he touches her hip and then, slowly moves into her hair. A few minutes later, he passionately kisses her forehead, cheeky face and lips.
He lifts her and proceeds to the bedroom. Slowly, he removes her sari like a sculpture and further, removes his shirt and pants. Then, he removes the dress of Darshu also and have a slow hug with her.
He kisses her breast, hip, legs and neck. Later on, he kisses her lips and they have a sleep, the whole night.
The next day, Akhil gets ready for Indian Army and before he could go, he ties a knot to Darshu in a Temple and promises her that, "He will return once his training is conpleted."
Akhil proceeds to Indian Army. It is written in bold letters. The entire area is covered by snowfall and mist. Himalayas surrounds the whole place. Here and there, soldiers and officers walk aside. On the left corner, a canteen is there. Akhil steps in and after one year, he is posted in Gulmarg border.
At the same time, Darshu gets pregnant with Akhil's child and she informs this to him. He feels happier and asks his officers for a leave. Since, she doesn't have any other relatives, except his support.
But, they refuses. Since, he have to go for a surgical strike operation with the Pakistan Terrorists and have to rescue their Lieutenant Mohammed Nausath.(thinking his bravery, capability and efficiency in handling the situation, they have selected him for the mission)
He reluctantly agrees and goes to finish the mission. Several challenges are faced by Akhil, while going for the rescual mission.
He loses some of his soldiers and after much struggles, he rescues his Lieutenant and returns to the Indian Army. But, he is severely injured in the process.
Akhil prays to the God for th speedy recovery and to prove that "Love remains eternal", he survives with the blessings of God.
Akhil reconciles with Darshu and he takes her to a surprise place. Until he reaches the place, she is let unknown about the place. It's a beautiful place, surrounded by dense forests, waterfalls and rivers and the name of place is Siruvani.
They hugs each other in the forest and proceeds to go into the forest.