Bizarre Adventure of Arlong
Bizarre Adventure of Arlong

Ariskom, The country of sin. The country is divided into 7 states!!
These states are run by a court of governors know as the 7 souls of Ariskom and they all are underlings to the king Sarotach who have summoned them to a quarterly gathering at the palace located at the dead centre of the Ariskom.
"My lord the table is set for 8 and the food was made to yours and the 7 souls's liking, we now wait for the arrival of the the governors" said the servant. "Have them set 3 more; my wife, son and daughter will be joining us this evening" replied the king!
Dusk has arrived and the dark of the twilight is now devoured by the light emitting from the brightly burning candle lamps within the hall where the king and his and his wife and daughter are having conversation whilst waiting. Trumpets sounded to announce the arrival of 1 of the governors. Out of the chariot emerged Sir Umar! The Governor of Altanos!! Tall, Dark and chisel his physique was on par with that of the king in his prime. Sir Umar entered the dining area and greeted the king and his wife and daughter,
"Your Highness, it has been 9 years and 9 months since we took over this kingdom from Balthazar and with every quarter that passes and I come here you have looked worse every time, you have traded chiseled abs of steal like these for a belly the size of a ball I guess a life of comfort has done it's number! Princess Miranda you are growing up to be a stunning young woman If only I were 20 years younger. Your Highness Queen Tatanonya you are looking as stunning as ever 40 years old and you still look like you did 20 years ago, I think you may have found the formula for eternal youth and good looks why didn't you share it with your husband too"
The queen smiled and replied
"Charming as ever Sir Umar"
As everyone laughed and he and the king embraced. The trumpets sounded again and this time the other 6 of the 7 souls arrive.
Lady Renisha! The Governor of Renishville. The woman that men dream about having. her skin white as snow and smooth as silk, her voice like a siren with the ability to seduce any man to do her bidding and eyes that sparkle like stars in the night sky are the bait that traps the passion of men and lore them into her cage lust!!
Sir Bandito! Governor of Ingraden! a fat man that the thought of food is the only thing that pleasures him. The type of guy that doesn't like to do nothing but sit and eat!! But his tactical brain and sharp thinking when it comes to battle is almost unrivalled.
Sir Doren! Governor of Syapora! A thin man highly skilled in combat and shooting arrows the sniper of the group and a living legend that was dubbed the name Man Hawk for his impeccable vision!!
Sir Moss!! The Governor of Kondongbia! Rival in physique to sir Umar but what sir Umar doesn't have is sir Moss's explosive power when wielding the double edged axe which he calls Delores!! speaking of Delores
Lady Delores!! The Governor of Optium!! A cunning and deadly woman that wields a blade that has said to have taken the heads of 10,000 men in battle. Strong but not as physically appealing to men as Lady Rhensha due to the many scares she has on her arms and legs and face!!
Sir Orian!! The Governor of Menaphora!! The averged man. nothing special about his physical appearance but his quick feet/ speed is almost unrivalled. He was dubbed the blue light due to his sad exterior expression and his ability to disappear in the blink of an eye !! The town's people think he is some kind of wizard, but who is to blame them when they have seen a man a cheetah in a race, it must be magic.
They all greeted the king, queen, princess and each other as they sat at the table preparing for the feast.
"Where is prince Arlong?" asked Lady Delores and lady Ranisha replied
" if it is as far away from your hideous face as he possibly can, then I can't blame him him. Look at your once beautiful face your lust for strength only made you unappealing. Now your lust for sed strength only strengthens your lust for plea.. "
as king Sarotach shouted at lady Ranisha.
" We are here today to discuss our finances, if we are to conquer Ganesh before the war has even started we need funds and we need it now" said the king.
"My lord, Ingraden has been suffering from food shortening and the crime rate as reached uncontrollable heights! Damages to infrastructure and deaths from starvation has set the state back in terms of funds and riots and robberies are becoming more frequent. I predict that the palace will be next which is why I am asking you to spare some money for the rebuilding of our state" Said sir Bandito.
"I think I could guess why Ingraden is dying from starvation" said Sir Umar and everyone started to laugh.
" Sire! Altanos is the closest state to Ingraden and whilst last quarter we saw a huge rise in profits, our state has now seen an increase in overpopulation due to citizens moving from Ingarden to Altanos seeking better living and to accommodate these people as well as our own the profits are being depleted" said sir umar
"I see" replied the king.
"Our population has risen aswell your highness! There has been a demand for higher pay from under qualified people and with jobs limited unemployment and birth rates has gone up significantly" said Lady Ranisha.
"I would expect no less from a state where prostitution is the only striving business model" said Lady Delores
" My Lord! Sir Moss, Sir Orian and I have joined forces to create a Utopia by Joining Kondongbia, Optium and Menaphora into one and our economy is striving due to the better living conditions of our combined business model and with higly skilled citizens migrating from Ingraden and Rhanishville our workforce is stronger than ever due to the plethora of jobs available and the land space for buildings available and the competition between the people we have managed to get away with paying high class employees a minimum wage!! " Delores added.
"Sir Doren!! How about Syapora?" The king asked
" My lord, there has been a drought that has dried up all the rivers!! The only source of water is a well that streams water from a mountain in kondongbia!! The people often fight because not enough water to support all the people and their domestic needs and with our land so deprived of trees, heatstrokes are constantly taking lives of the people already dying from thirst".
"Well then I see" said the King.
Silence filled the room, the only sound was of sir Bandito ripping apart the limbs of the lobster on the table.
"How about the capital sire? Ashoy is the Capital city of Ariskom and one could only assume that the people who live here are prospering!! and with Taxes so high, the people should be walking on streets paved with gold" said Sir Moss as his deep baritone voice echoes throughout the hall.
"Tensions are high in Ashoy. The royal army have are under scrutiny because they publicly executed a person they believed to be an imposter" said the King. Curiosity was the expression marked on everyone's face
"An Imposter" said lady Delores
"Yes!! The city walls are plastered with symbol of what is believed to be an 'Ark' , this symbol is a message from Balthazar in Ganesh. It's supposed to symbolise the coming of a flood and the birth of the new age. How I see it is that Balthazar has made his first move!! Which is why we need to strengthen or forces before he decides to strike!!" replied Queen Tatonya.
"Now you all see the situation, Balthazar has infiltrated our ranks and who know how many more spies are in not only the capital but the entire country. So I came up with a way to increase or funds rapidly!!" said the king
" Yes sire please share" said Moss.
"Increase the taxes" said a voice in the distance
"Yes!! Yes indeed!! Who said that?" Said King Sarotach with glee.
" It was me father!!" said prince Arlong.
"Arlong my son where have you been" said Queen Tatonya.
"He was out with Kashaney" said princess Miranda.
" That commoner? I told you boy you are royalty now and that girl isn't in your league"Said king Sarotach.
"Father I think you may have forgotten that you were a commoner like her once as a matter of fact we all were" replied the prince
"Hahahahaha!!! key word there being BUT, you were 14 years old when we took over this kingdom so I understand you wanting to stay in touch with your roots, tell you what invite your this Kashaney over for a feast tomorrow" said the king
"Really father?" queried the prince
" Yes son, now sit down with us and have some food everyone here has been waiting for you especially Delores" everyone laughed😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 "Now back to the issue at hand. as my son here said increase taxes is our option at this point" said the king "But sire!! Our country's moral is low and by doing something this drastic will only anger the people not to mention Balthazar is lurking around the shadows we would be giving him the advantage by turning the people on you and siding with him" said sir Doren "I understand that sir Doren which is why I have an ace up my sleeve I will explain all in due time and you all are here for 4 days which is plenty of time to discuss but for now let's eat and enjoy the company of each other and Sir Bandito see me in my chamber of solitude after dinner. Now let's eat".
Bottles of wine and meatless bones and empty shells piled like the sand in the desert. Conversation, laughter and banter have came to an end as the candle lit lamps grew dimmer and dimmer, signalling the end of the evening. The king was the first to leave the table "It has been a lovely evening and I have had my fill so I think it's time for me to retire for the evening" said King Sarotach. After the king left he the princess was the one to follow and shortly after so did every who had to gone to settle into their chambers. Bandito went to visit the king as per his order following leaving the dining hall. "You summoned me here sire" said Sir Bandito with a bone from the leg of a chicken swaddling around in his mouth!! "Yes and do you know why?" said the king, "Haven't the slightest sire" Bandito replied. "I called you here because you posses a curtain skill set in which I am in need of some assistance" said the king. "Oh decorating your majesty? The last time you asked me to do that it was 5 years ago. I recall you asking me to decorate the walls of your laboratory with the Mahnel fellow" said Bandito as the king started to chuckle. "Yes decorating Bandito, I remem
bered it like it was yesterday and I want you to do the same thing in the coming days, Follow me to the laboratory and I show you how and why I want you to do this specific project". said the king.
"Well my lord your wish is my command, So take me to the laboratory so I can see the project" Said Bandito "Ofcourse shall we leave now" said the king "lead the way my lord" said Bandito as the king grabbed two lamps and handed one to Bandito "Let's go" the king said. Out the door and down the hall, dark and cold is the knight with only candle lit lamps to serve ad the only source of light. "Before we go to the lab let's go to the kitchen and get some food for the, well you know" said the king and with glee Bandito replied " Yes!! my lord" as they approach the end of the hall way where a huge two sided door was waiting to be opened and beyond that was the Hall with the portraits of past kings where framed with gold and hanged on the walls. On the floor was a red carpet on top of the grass green marble floor with a sky blue accent which compliments gold frames on the wall. As the king and Bandito approached the end of the portraits the lamp shined on the portrait of Balthazar and beside the photo to the left was the photos of King Dalton and King Ashoy the father and brother of King Sarotach. Bandito Commented "It seems like only yesterday huh my lord? I miss the King Ashoy more and more everyday and come to think that it has only been 15 years since! well you know. Everyday I wonder why you have the portrait of Balthazar hanged here, it should not be this portrait but rather his head hanged on the wall". Bandito took the candle out of the lamp, ready to burn the portrait but before he could the king stopped him and said " No don't do it; After I found out that Balthazar was the reason both my brother and father was dead I considered doing it myself but I remember My father telling my brother that this hall has been in the castle for generations and the portraits are to remind himself and the kings of the future of the great kings of the past who are the standard bearers of what it means to be a king and the willingness to do whatever it takes to win and these are the standards that my son and I have to live up to amd exceed in order to make Ariskom 1 of the 7 Shining Realms of this planet. I might have no respect for Balthazar but I do have respect for my father and brother and they believe in this tradition and so do I. Balthazar will het what is coming to him" with a crackling voice and water about to fill his eyes sir Bandito said "But surely Queen Miranda must be turning in her grave to see that traitor's portrait hanged beside two of the great kings in the modern era being her husband King Dalton and her son King Ashoy" as he shined the lamp across the room to reveal the photos of the queens of the past. "Surely you must be grieving over the way Balthazar treated the queen after her husband and son died. She died from a Broken heart long before Balthazar had her hanged. Why did he put her at death's door? Only he knows or maybe you do!".
Down the hall to and turned right, the king and Bandito came up to a door which housed the library. Inside the library were books of all kind, sitting on shelves as if they would reach the heavens. A chandelier hovering above lit by candle lit lamps spread light to the darkest corners of the room. The King and Bandito walked to the back of the room where a shelf of children's books were and pulled a book on the top shelf entiled "The tales of The Young Dragon". Upon pulling out the book a secret passage opened up behind the shelf of books and closed behind them. Down and spiralling where the stairs that led to the only two secret chambers in the entire palace which only a selected few know about. These two rooms sat across from each other. As Sarotach opened the door to the right, curiosity covered the face of Bandito as he ask
" Your Highness! What's behind Door number 2 over there?"
"Nothing you should concern yourself with right now, you will know soon enough I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise" the king replied.
The door opened to a screeching suspense as sarotach and Bandito entered the room.
"What is that revolting smell!? Like a pig's pens in here. Yhack!!" said Bandito
Sarotach shined the light from the lamp to reveal a man laying chained to the corner surrounded by weapons used to torture him. In a pile of his own blood, sweat and filth the king gave him a plate of the food on the tray.
"This is the imposter! he has sworn keep his mouth shut for all the time he has been here he hasn't even begged for his life or deny that he is an imposter so that means it's true. He won't talk which is why I brought you here Bandito your methods are more severe than mine, I tried everything: fire, water, lashing, cutting and nothing has worked. I need the information he has Bandito before it's too late. I wanna know how many other imposters are here, how can we identify them and what is Balthazar planning. If we know this then we can find the best course of action to strike him down before he strikes us." said the king.
Bandito shook his head and with a bone picking his teeth he walked up to guy and said.
"Have a good night's rest, come tomorrow morning you will feel pain you have never known before!"
The man spat in the face of Bandito and said.
"Do your worst!! My lord will be here soon and any pain you inflict upon me he will unleash upon you tenfold. I will be here when that day comes to laugh as my lord rip out your throat"
With a huge grin on his face Bandito cleaned the spit off his face and said.
"You are not the first to say that and you won't be the last to say that. Spitting in my face won't do nothing but make me mad and you will regret it".
The King and Bandito left the secret room and are on their way back to their respective chambers! Mean while, Dialo the apprentice chef is taking the bottle of wine to the king's chamber; his heart racing, shoulders tense and sweating from head to toe as he thought he had been too late to take the wine to the king and out of respect he doesn't want to disappoint him.
"I hope his highness hasn't been waiting long".
Running along the corridor trying to get to the chamber as fast as he could, BOOOP!! as he fell to the floor and miraculously cushioned bottle of wine.
" What did I hit my head on? Who placed another column in the middle of the corridor? ".
A hand reached out to him, helping him to his feet and to his surprise it was sir Umar!!
" I am ss-sorry sir!! " he stutters. "I was hastily trying to get this bottle of wine to the king, It has been such a long time since I saw him earlier. He must be fuming and I wouldn't want him to change is opinion of me So would you excuse me I gotta get this bottle to him immediately" Said Dialo
"Give the bottle to me!! I will be the bearer of all the blame if it arrives later than usual" Said sir Umar.
With a smile on his and a deep confident voice Dialo tried to go toe toe verbally with him as to why he should be the one to take the wine to the king but the charm of sir Umar was too much and Dialo gave the bottle to him. Soon he arrived at the king's chamber and he realised that the king wasn't there, so he went to the king's bedroom. He went up to the closed door
Knock Knock!!! and entered
"Is that you my love!?" The queen said.
In the middle of the room was a bed that was cloaked in a net that blurs the vision the who ever is on either side. Queen Titonya stepped from behind the net, Naked as new born baby but to her surprise it wasn't Sarotach. She Gasps and fled behind the behind the net as Sir Umar watches in awe.
"What are you doing here? Umar!!" said the queen in fury.
"Stop it!! It's not like i haven't seen you naked before!!" Said Umar with a smile on his face.
"But that was years ago" said the queen.
Umar stepped behind the net and grabbed queen Titanya by the waist and pulled her naked body towards him. Her breasts laid bare on his chiseled body. His voice sounding so seductive as he whispered,
"Tell me you don't miss this, Say you don't miss us and I will go!"
Queen Titonya froze within his arms, wanting to answer but the memories of the nights they spent together in the past came rushing like waves flooding the sea shores.
"I do miss those nights with you" The queen said softly.
"Then be with me for 1 more night, for the time and passion we shared in the past. Let us make love under the stars and to the sound of birds chirping as i fill you with sensation. Let this last time be a testimony to our love!" Sir Umar protested.
He squeezes her nipples. she moans with pleasure as her loins come alive.
He leans in and kisses her on the lips. Tears filled her eyes as it was as if she had no control over her body. Her laid her down in the bed and started to kiss her neck moving down until her breasts were in his mouth.
Suddenly she found the strength to move and slapped him in the face signalling that he should stop but Umar continued. She pushed him off her and grabbed a robe the conceal herself and said,
"As much as I want to, I can't!. I am a mother and a wife now what we had was fun while it lasted. I did fell for you and we did slept together but Sarotach had my heart and he always will. We can't do this now and he is your best friend, how can you betray him now when he trusts you the most?"
Furious over what the queen said he replied in a rage,
"Who was there for you, when you were lonely and afraid at nights? Who was there for you when he left you to go and conquer other countries and ruin lives? Who was there for you when you needed someone to comfort you? Not him me and the fact I let him steal you away from me all those years ago eats me up every time I see you with him. But my time is coming and he won't be here to stand in my way of getting what I want!!!!"
As he turned around to leave the room the door in front him slowly opened and from it emerged the king with curiosity plastered on his face he ask,
"Umar! Why are you in my bedroom?"
and in a confident, calmn and composed manner Umar replied,
"Oh...Nothing really I ran into this servant of yours taking that bottle of wine to your chamber and since I was coming to visit you at the same time. So I took the bottle from him and headed for your chambers turns out you weren't there and I headed here. I've been waiting for a long time now and I have grown weary as the time went by, I am now headed to my quarters to rest up so see you in the morning" .
The king nodded and sent him on his way whilst the queen pretended to be asleep to not draw suspicion as to why she was only in a robe around another man.