And it changed forever...
And it changed forever...

When I left the small town of Idaho, little did I knew that I was not leaving it forever. I was born and raised in New Meadows, but the small town never was my types, my dreams were big and magnificent. I wanted to have a great career and successful life, so the moment I got a scholarship for the California University post my high school, I just grabbed it without haste. My mom, sister and Anna wanted me to stay, but I had no choice, I was looking to a great future in real estate. Dad did not say a word, his silence just spoke "Do whatever you love, whatever you are passionate about. ”
When I moved to California, life was moving nonstop. I was best in class, university topper, sports I was number one in everything. I was the heart throb of every junior girls and my class. A tall, adorable, handsome young Ryan Miller was the apple of every eye. This did not stop here.
My future was secured, had a great job, apartment of my own , car of my dream and one of the most beautiful girl friend.
The success had taken over every consciousness of mine , I grew to be an adamant, agressive and mean person who had not even cared to go back to his home in 15 years. Just for the sake of it occasionally called my parents.
My life started with the ticking of the clock , then driving to the beach for the morning run, attending calls, breakfast, office, work until late in the evening, having dinner and going back
to bed. Weekends were spent going to parties & dating my girlfriend.
My world grew small with myself in it, until I got this call.
My mom and dad had been trying to reach me several times and I had been ignoring them. When they reached out to Rich my colleague who informed that I had few voicemails. I found there were 3 of them from my mom asking me to come back for Jenny, my sister's wedding. I had not been to New Meadows in fifteen years and now returning to the place for just my sister's wedding was kind of awkward for me and I was reluctant. However destiny had the business planned for me.
Things have changed a lot since I left New Meadows but "Tasty Bites” was still the same. The same reason I had left New Meadows for. A classic , old fashioned restaurant which had not changed in 40 years since my mom and dad opened it. They had always wanted me to stay back and look after this dingy restaurant after them which I completely felt opposite of my dreams. The smoky , black, oil stained walls of the kitchen, the same boiler and steamers which were rusted and gave up almost every alternate days , the chimney which seemed to be 100 years old due to its black , smoky stains giving it a gothic feeling. I was to stay there over the weekends & wrap up my business. I was given back my small one bedded room which remained the same since I left, nothing’s changed in the rooms. The same old furnitures, curtains & drapes. I was never meant to be here. Jenny's wedding was planned with modesty, minimum guests, only family and friends. Jack had been helping my parents at the restaurant, he was my childhood best buddy, our dreams were absolutely opposite, though he deserved a better life than mine, his grades were always high in school. He wanted to take up a job in the restaurant. I never felt like visiting the restaurant. I was unpacking when mom came over. "We will have lunch together downstairs, Jack and Jenny are here would you like to join us son?"she pleaded. I couldnot ignore. I went downstairs hurriedly, the same old dining table. Everyone sitted there greeted me. This was technically the first meeting with my family in 15 years.
"We are really grateful to you for attending our wedding Ryan"Jack said. I smiled back. Not a word came out of my mouth asking "How have you been. . . "Jenn gave me a quick hug while dad stretched his hands towards me to embrace with love and happiness, I felt as if I saw a drop of tear in my mom's eye. The same cosiness in his embrace. I remember as a child, dad and I went for fishing every saturday and it was mom's turn to run the restaurant for half the day. Jenn was a perfect child helping my mom and dad always. That was some 17 years back!Ann used to drop by after school on every saturday , we had dinner together. She was my childhood crush. I believe she wasn't there anymore. When I left New Meadows, she was silent too like my dad. My dad had special affection towards her just like he had for Jenn. The lunch was the same old fashioned bacons, potatoes, garlic sauce which I hated. "I just came by to say hello to you folks, I had my meal in the flight already. . "I said. "Would you not like the dessert?"said Mom, "I have it in the kitchen, once done with the lunch, Jack will take you for the tour at the restaurant, if you like, its been years since you visited""Thanks maa, but I have some business to settle"I said reluctantly, everyone looked at me surprised.
"Will you be leaving again? “my mom asked anxiously. "Why would I stay here maa, I have no future, this is definitely not my standard, I have a great job, handsome salary, an apartment , my own car and a girl friend , I DONOT BELONG TO THIS PLACE"I almost screamed. I thought over it for a second and then continued, "Do you guys wants to imprison me in here?Is this the reason you called me. . . . . . ?"I was as if trying to reveal their secret plan of bringing me down here. Jack walked across & held my hands and said, "Ryan your parents are old now and they cannot run the business alone and so. . . . . . . "before he could finish I busted out again, "Why me dad, you have Jack and Jenn, to run it, I hate it, I hate the restarant, I hate the food, I hate this house, I hate this place. . . . why don't you guys sell it off"I was as if bringing out all my pains and negativity that I had all these years for this place. I jolted my arms from Jack's grip and left the place. I banged the door behind me in anger. I was outside in the same lane that led to the local market, I started to walk. The roadsides, pavement seemed to remain timeless. The beautiful park where we used to play as kids was still there and so was the stream where Dad and I would go fishing every weekends.
I went past the local stores which were almost the same. Few step past the florist I could see a familiar entrance, same shabby entrance to a classic restaurant. I entered, the same old furnitures, wall paintings with black stains, smell of fresh baked potatoes, rosted smell of flesh, aroma all across the restaurant. . . those were the only things that attracted me. "Tasty Bites"served the real tasty food. A girl with pale but beautiful face peeped from the corner of the counter. "You're here!"exclaimed she, "I supposed you’d never return. ”She was busy cleaning the dust ovee the counter . "Ben look who's come"she pointed to me to someone. Old Ben Hailey warmly welcomed me. He had been my parent's friend and supported them since they started the restaurant. It was good to see him again, it felt like we have not met in ages. Uncle Ben partnered us sometimes for fishing when I was a child. I enjoyed talking to him, he had great reservoirs of stories about seas, ships, islands, he was a sailor in his youth. Uncle Ben proposed for a short tour in the kitchen while we talked, I learnt that Tasty Bites was in bad shape, my parents never uttered a word about it. They were st
ruggling to keep up the last bit. My parents were until neck in debtand with growing competitions and fancy outlooks the classic restaurant was in the verge of breaking down. I felt an ache in my heart but I was nowhere into this business. It was still an unimportant business to me. I pretended to be quite thoughtful about the situation, ”why won't my parents sell off this restaurant to clear off the debts. ”I muttered, when the lovely voice interrupted, ”This is what your parents have, we have, Ben, he doesn’t belong here and we won’t have this restaurant next month. . so why do we need…”she gasped. I look at the girl, ”Who was she?”I questioned myself, I felt something strange, I knew this pretty face, but there was always asmile on it, Anna!In a moment I travelled the time to my childhood days, we loved the restaurant, played, quarreled, we loved watching the smoke twirling above the chimney, we loved playing in sun , in dirt. . . but now all were changed. And I was here to get my company bag the deal. The deal that can break my parent’s trust for me and bring in tears in every eyes. Yes that was the only truth of my return to New Meadow.
Uncle Ben calmed Anna and pulled me out of her sight, while taking a tour of the backyard and the kitchen, all the childhood memories rejuvenated , he spoke about the restaurant, good days, the downfall, how a Real Estate company was trying to buy the restaurant and build a Shopping mall here. His face was remorseful, ”I wish I could save this restaurant, its been a house for me, but we would definitely put a tough fight against the Real estate. ” He did not lose hope.
That night went sleeplessly for me. Jenn's wedding went well and it was time for me to leave when I heard a shriek downstairs, I ran down, Mom had fallen off from the stairs and broken her hand. She was rushed to the hospital and the doctor advised her bed rest for 15 days. I was to return and this accident happened, I wanted to stay by my mom during this time. I was amazed to find this attachment towards my family. I thought to stay back until my mom recovers. A week past by I had been helping my family with the household chores, taking care of my mom and feeling attached to the family. Things changed for me in a week, my sister stayed back with us , while Jack took care of the restaurant. We did the dishes together, prepared dinner and lunch, I seemed to return back to my childhood, life seemed graceful again, the hustled life had let me forget everything about me. Anna often teased me and likewise, old memories were revived I started to feel a growing friendship between us once again and almost avoided Serena’s calls. My boss would call me often to know about the progress of the deal I had been in New Meadows for, but he understood I clearly avoided him. I donot know what was happening to me , but whatever it was , was for good. I was once again united with my family, cared by them , Jenn was always a sweet sister. One evening , it was almost 15 days of my stay with my family, when Ann came over as usual and I overheard my mom talking to her, "I really wonder how do we manage, the Real estate man is continuously creating hassles for us, we did apply for loans in the bank but they refused, we have no way out"Anna whispered. I had last picked up Mr. Dexter's call in the
morning. He was not ready to allow me to be in New Meadows without any progress. The phone
rang again, Dexter called to know when can he hear the good news. I was all stressed with the continuous poke from my boss, my mom's interest to patch me in to the business, Serena’s pressure on me to return to California blew my mind away. Ann brought me a cup of coffee, she sat beside me and dragged me in to a conversation of our childhood, she always had this auora, time flew by with her. I loved listening to her. But I should not move out of my focus. I must talk to dad and finally the next morning I thought of sharing my views about the restaurant. The breakfast was served when each one started discussing about the restaurant , how they can revive and save it from the builders. The same old topic, just out unconsciousness I proposed, ”why don't you sell the restaurant off , you can get some money and clear off the debt. ”Each one looked at me with pale face, I left the place irritated. Twenty three days passed by. I felt I had been more engaged now with family in 15 years, I would go to the restaurant every day, try to serve the customers, helped my family in their chores. I was full of life again, Anna seemed to come back to me, I had a different reflection towards life now. Life was changing for me , from fast pace to a slower one.
That morning I was late for the restaurant. When I reached , both my mom and dad sat on a table with someone facing his back towards me. As soon as I entered the restaurant , my mom's teary eyes fell on me, my dad's eye had a pleading request. I walked to the table and I could hear a voice say, "Haven't you spoken to your parents that you are here to finalize the deal of the restaurant Ryan?"the man turned toward me, "Dexter!'I frowned and then looked at every one in the room , each one had a question in their looks, a look the shouted out to me, "You broke out trust". I tried to explain my dad, I initially came for business but now everything has changed, I no longer wanted to go back. . . . But no one believed me. The damage was already done. I walked away from the restaurant, Anna’s eye fell upon me, ”I did not think you would cheat again!”she sighed
I was seated by the stream, transposed to my childhood days of fishing, when I got a call from
Serena setting dead lines for me. In a nutshell, if I donot return she would breakup with me. I
dropped the call, I was screwed up and I need to fix this. The bankers had set the time of a week to
pay off the debts. I had no time to think , I had to take a decision. Here in New Meadows awaited my Family and they needed me and on the other end I had this luxurious life, I had to
choose……. .
This was the time I had to show my love for my family the 23 days had changed my life in to
360 degrees . I was looking for more changes to come by. I called up my investment sources and
got to increase the time to pay off the debts until a week more. The only person who would trust
me was Anna but she was no longer to trust me and then I sorted to take help from Uncle Ben , he would definitely understand me. Uncle Ben was by me , when he saw my repentance. ”We would work as a team and every one would be happier to help you in reviving the restaurant son…. ”
Seven days later I had no savings, no car, no apartment, no job. I had resigned from the job. The Tasty Bites was revived and re decorated, I could see the smile on both my parent's face. The customers filled in. The last one month made me a different person, a thoughtful & responsible one. My entire life's saving, the amount I got selling my apartment and car a few help from my investor sources and of course savings of Uncle Ben contributed in freeing my parents' restaurant from debts, Anna's coffee beans section at the restaurant worked , both Jenn and Ann looked after it, I was back with my family, I was a happy and peaceful man now after a month with my family, my restaurant and my love Anna.