A Big Mystery
A Big Mystery

NOTE: This story is based on Author’s fiction. It doesn’t apply to any historical references or real-life incidents.
JUNE 1951
The people in Madurai which is the city that never sleeps in Tamil Nadu, even at night time they were walking in the road excitedly and suddenly, they saw a strange thing. It caught the attention of the people who were walking on the road.
All the people who were walking stopped walking for a minute and started to see that strange thing with an awkward feeling. By looking at the thing in front of them with an awkward and surprised feeling, if you think that it is a different creature, or is it a monster, no it is not. It was a normal human being. If you ask why they are looking at a normal human being strangely means, the reason is his appearance.
Yes. This story was happening in 1951. But his appearance that is his hairstyle, his dressing sense everything was like the mid 18th century. That is exactly from now he looked like a person who lived 100 years before.
When all the people there were in a current generation fashion dress code, and since that person alone was in a dress appearance of 100 years before, that person looked strangely to all the people who were walking on the road. Now like how the people are looking at him with a strange feeling, similarly that person also was looking at the cars, streets and people strangely and was looking around.
How he looked around means, like he was seeing all this for the first time in his life, he was looking at everything with a confused mind state. Suddenly he became scared and ran on the road here and there. When he was running all the people thought of questioning him. But before that a car which came in high speed hit him accidentally and he became heavily injured in that.
Seeing that the people called the ambulance immediately. But before the ambulance arrived due to high bleeding he died there itself. Immediately they informed the police and the police also arrived there. The police officers also looked at him strangely. After that his body was taken for autopsy. In the autopsy room they checked his dress completely. During that they found strange things in his dress.
The things happened after that turned into a big mystery. Since all the things that police found were like in a science fiction movie. The police found that the man who died doesn’t belong to the present.
“Then who is he? Where did he come from?” At that time all the people who knew about this were in a big shock and surprise.
Among the people the concept of time travel was not only present now. It was there nearly from 100 to 200 years ago.
(What is time travel? I think a lot of people who are reading this story might know about it. Even though I will explain about it shortly. Not only crime thrillers, but I also have interest in space science too. Lot of people who are following me from the first will know about it. Now let’s see what is time travel shortly. Now we are living in a current date right? If we travel to the past, that is travel to a time which we already lived, or travel to the future that is which we are about to live is called time travel. With this time travel we can change our past and we can know about what is going to happen in future. And if we go deep in this there are lots of theories and paradoxes. That is if you time travel to the past you definitely can’t change your past. And if you change it then your current life might be changed too, like this some theories. Or if you time travel to the past you can change your past and if you change it without changing your present time, they are saying that it will create a separate timeline. That is called the multiverse, parallel universe like concepts. Those who knew about this might understand what I am saying now. But those who don’t have any idea about this might not understand this. We can even go deeply and analyze this. Because there is a lot of interesting things to speak. But we will see only about the outline.)
It is good to hear about this time travel. But you may have a question whether it is possible in real world. The greatest scientists of our world that is from Albert Einstein to Stephen Hawkins, said that time travel is 100% possible. They also said that it is possible to travel only to the future. But, they have proved it only theoretically. We don’t have the technology till now to practically achieve it.
Okay I said a story in the intro. But why I am talking about time travel means, well this story is of that kind subject. In the autopsy room when they checked his dress, they found a lot of strange things inside his dress. Seeing that all of them were confused. The things which they were seeing doesn’t belong to the current generation.
It looked like the things which were used 80 to 100 years before and what they found in his dress means, 5 cents worth copper token for beer. I mean it is like the coupons which we use now. But what is the weird thing in this means, in 1951, that is in the year this incident is happening, it’s been a lot of years since they have changed from the copper token in India.
Now no one is using this copper tokens. Also the shop for which he had the beer copper token, even the old people don’t know the whereabouts of the shop. Second there was a receipt of horse washing. Like the water wash receipt for the bike or car water washing, similarly it is the receipt which shows that he has given his horse for washing. What was the strange thing in this means, in 1951, that too in Madurai, no one was using horses. For transport and travel everyone was using vehicles and bicycles. Third there were currency notes. But everything was printed 100 years ago. It doesn’t look like it was printed 100 years ago. Since it was very clean and looked like it was printed newly. Fourth his business card they saw his name for the first time in that. His name is Ramasamy. In that card it was written as Ramasamy Naicker 5th Avenue.
Beyond all this, the thing which I am about to say, made a big confusion in everyone’s mind. There was a letter with Ramasamy. It was a letter received by him from someone. What was the confusion in that means, the date which was mentioned in that letter is 1876. The letter was written 75 years ago from now. But it didn’t look like that. It was fresh and looked like it was written now. Not only his appearance but all the things he had looked the same. No one there couldn’t understand what was happening there.
Now the case was assigned to ACP Rajendran, Madurai Police department. After knowing the full details of the case, instead of finishing this case, he was very interested in finding who is this person. To know about this Ramasamy, he started his investigation.
In the first step Rajendran went to the address in Ramasamy’s business card and decided to check whether he get any details about him and went to that address. But when he went there, there was a commercial building in that address.
Rajendran asked the building owner: “Whether you know Ramasamy?”
>But for that he said: “Sir. I am living for so many years here. But like you said there’s no one named Ramasamy.” Now, Rajendran investigated the people in the neighborhood too. But they also didn’t know anything about Ramasamy.
Now when he was thinking what to do next Rajendran got an idea. It was the yellow pages. I mean Madurai’s telephone directory. He checked the telephone directory from A to Z. But Ramasamy’s name was not there anywhere. Even though it’s been sometime after he died, till now no one gave a police complaint about Ramasamy’s missing. Despite that, Rajendran continued his search.
That is when in a 20-year old telephone book, that is in a telephone book of 1939, Rajendran found a number was registered in the name of Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker. Since it was there as Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker, Rajendran thought that the Ramasamy he is searching, might have connection with Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker.
To clear that doubt Rajendran went to the address in that telephone book. But there Ravindra was not there. Instead a young couple was living there. He questioned them whether they knew about Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker.
For that the couple said: “We know him sir. Before us he and his wife lived in this house. At that time he was 60 years old and was working in a nearby company. In 1940, after his retirement they moved from here. But we didn’t know where they are now.”
It was a big disappointment for Rajendran who came there with excitement. But he got an idea now. Since he know Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker’s bank account number, he thought that if he contacted the bank he might know about his whereabouts. But a big disappointment was waiting for him in the bank.
When Rajendran contacted the bank, they said that Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker died five years ago that is in 1946. With this the case came to dead end. When he thought that he can’t do anything about this, they said another information in the bank. They said that Ravindra Ramasamy’s wife is still alive and she was living in Kanniyakumari. This gave Rajendran a bit of peace. He thought that she might definitely know about this and went to Kanniyakumari. There he met Ravindra Ramasamy’s wife and asked whether she know about her husband Ravindra Ramasamy Naicker.
Now Ravindra’s wife said an unbelievable thing. She said that, “Sir. My husband’s father Ramasamy Naicker, in 1876, when he was 29 years old, one day he left the house saying that he was going for a walking. After that he never came back to the house.” Hearing this Rajendran couldn’t believe it. Because in 1876 when Ramasamy went missing, in 1951, when he died he was in the same age.
“How could this be possible? What really happened to Ramasamy Naicker that day? When he was going out that day someone time travel had happened accidentally?” Somehow he travelled 75 years in future. In 1951 he appeared. That’s why he was scared and couldn’t believe what he saw and in a few minutes when he ran away from there, he was hit by a taxi and died.
In 1946, that is five years before he appeared in 1951, his son Ravindra was married and died due to ageing. In 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s, this incident was discussed and famous throughout Madurai. Actually after hearing what I said most of you who are seeing this video, might think that is not true and time travel is impossible. But the truth is time travel is possible.
Like I said before like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkins, the great scientists in the world are accepting this. According to that what Stephen Hawkins said is, “Around us in Quantum level, lot of wormholes are continuously appearing and disappearing, and when a person go through that wormholes, he can travel even up to lot of billion years in future or suddenly disappear from a place and appear in some other place.” It is said that there is a possibility for that.
What are these wormholes? Where can we find them? And where can we go and time travel in that means, like I said before the wormholes are around us. Even in the time when you are reading this story those wormholes are around you. But what was the issue in this means all this wormholes, are smaller in size than an atom. Imagine how small the atom is. Since it is even more smaller than that.
Stephen Hawking said, “If you somehow catch the wormhole and try to expand it to human size, we can do the time travel.” To expand the wormholes into human size a big amount of energy is needed.” He said that it is only possible theoretically. The general relativity theory of space-time also accept this.
We can also time travel to the future in another way. If we travel in a speed of light we can do time travel. Light travel in the speed of 2,99,792 km per second, that is for a second it travels around 3 lakh kilometers. If we travel in same speed we can do time travel. However, there’s another problem.
In 2023, do you know the maximum speed that humans can travel? 7,274 km per hour. Compare it, light travels 3 lakh kilometers per second. But we travel 7,000 km per hour.
It’s like this in 2023 means then in 1951, the only thing which can go in high speed is steam engine trains. The train can only go in the speed of 96 km per hour, how Ramasamy Naicker might time travelled? Without knowing to him will there be any change in his timeline. This phenomena called as time slip is not new. They said that this had happened to lot of people in the history. But all of them said that they have returned to their normal lives.
When it was like this, in 2001, Adhithya Krishna, who investigated this case, researched this for months and years and said: “This incident didn’t come in any newspaper. Definitely it’s a fiction and all the characters in this, and all the events mentioned is a fake.” But he couldn’t find the source of this fiction story.
Exactly one year later in 2002 Aravinth, a researcher, in Collier’s magazine story book in 1951, found that it is a story came under the name I’m scared. He found that the famous science fiction writer Jack Finney wrote this story. But Aravinth couldn’t find the original copies. When he thought of asking to him directly, Aravinth came to know that he died in 1995. With the found evidence that it’s a science fiction story, and the people who read the story when they conveyed it to another person, it spread like it was a true incident. After that when internet came the rumor spread that Ramasamy time travelled.
“Finally the mysterious story came to an end as it is an urban legend story. So Readers. What do you thought about this story? Did you thought that it is true or a fake? And what do you think about time travel? About how I explained the possibilities of time travel in this story, don’t forget to comment your opinions down.
When thinking about space personally I feel it is a mysterious place, and at the same time it will be very surprising and comment how you feel about it and like the story if you love to know about space. Share this to your friends and family who love space science and mysteries. I think this subject is different from my other subjects.