
Ah! These words,
They heal, they hurt
They are the game changers,
They are the game makers,
They can ruin the
Prettiest things,
And make gold out of
The ugliest things
They can change love,
They can change hate,
And decide your fate
We just spill them,
Without knowing
What they mean,
If it's hurtful or if
It's solace
They have the power
To cure the deepest wounds
And also
give the most
Painful injury
They can fix your soul
And break your heart
Depends on how you start
They are very complicated,
But very interesting
How just one single word can
Turn the tables around,
Use it wisely or,
Pay for it your whole life
Choose what you want
But they're not something
To play around.
And Ah! These words
My weapons, and my guards
Ah! These words