Speak The Language Of Your Heart ‼️
Speak The Language Of Your Heart ‼️

Each day we wake is such a gift;
No moment's guaranteed.
Tomorrow isn't promised,
But to fate, we must concede.
We cannot know our futures,
How long or short are our lives?
We simply do the best we can
Until the end arrives.
And in life, what's most important,
In the scheme of every day,
Are the people who stand by our sides
As we venture on our way.
Those cherished, loyal, patient souls,
Who takes us as we are,
Who looks beyond our foolishness,
Our frailties and our scars.
How often do we take the time
To lay our hearts down bare
And tell them how we truly feel
And just how much we care?
Do we freely give a compliment?
And acknowledge efforts made?
Or do our own quite fragile egos
Make us feel far too afraid?
Have we tried to overcome our pride
And forgive another's wrong
Or do we cling to hurt and anger
And carry grudges far too long?
Do we share our blessings willingly?
With those who are in need?
Or do we hoard our own good fortune
Out of selfishness and greed?
It's the people all around us
Who makes us who we are?
It is they who save our erring souls
And fill our lonely hearts.
So it's time we show some gratitude
And not wait another day.
Before we even know it,
Our chance may slip away.
It's past time to say I love you
And forgive another's sins.
We must let ourselves be vulnerable
By letting others in.
For one day, tomorrow will not come;
We may not meet again.
For inevitably, for each of us,
It all comes to an end.
So go ahead and say the words;
Make today a start.
Don't regret your silence;
Share the language of your heart.