Abstract Drama Others



Abstract Drama Others

She is a Mother

She is a Mother

1 min

Like the Earth ready for daily bakes and to bear,

She toils through her day, 

Through the waxing and waning her fate sways

Her into various circumstances,

But she strongly holds on to her purpose,

And hangs on to her last rope of hope,

Till nature works in her odds

And victorious she emerges,

Not with crown or with glory found,

Neither any treasure less, 

To raise children like mother earth,

She has taught through all the drought,

And in her growing children found,

Greatest fulfillment and as rebound.

Her gratitude reflects in them,

Like her strong they are the same,

And ever grateful for all she does,

To have had brought them up,

Through the storms of every kind,

She is a mother!

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