Nature's Cry
Nature's Cry
When the wind simmers across my face...
audaciously reaching to play with my hair,
I observe lilies in the garden,
in semblance of the breeze...
Blushing more than me!
Just then, I know
It's not all for me
The giant oak tree shading on me,
that I water once in a blue moon,
waits for me everyday to sit underneath
as it flirtatiously descends it's love letters
in the form of dried up leaves,
Sometimes sheds the whole branch angrily
for leaving him alone
for days, without water..
transcending a clear message
"I am thirsty..."
The flock of birds nesting on it,
migrate wherever their wings allow them
reached my balc
ony one evening
with their beaks oddly open,
feeding on the biscuit crumbs off the floor...
and hopping on the wooden chairs lying on the side
in an attempt to find impressions of
their chopped off dwellings
in that piece of furniture...
They often chirp about a forest nearby
I've never seen before!
The wind is afraid to reach to the doors now
cause it smells toxic,
that oak tree looks at us terrified
like a chicken looks at the butcher,
the birds mourning flock
day in day out searching traces of their nests
torn apart...
God's got the whole world in his hands,
and we crushed it down to our feet..