My Love Pene My lovely Devika
My Love Pene My lovely Devika

My lovely Pene
The lovely flourish of your hair
In the gentle breeze
Blowing your lovely soft hair
Over your beautiful face
Like the ripples of flowers
Blossoming in spring
The fragrance of your sweet lovely body
Reaching my senses
Making me lose control
Your beautiful eyes
Talking softly to me
Telling me to hold you close
To sing songs of love
To tell you how beautiful you are
To tell you how charming is your smile
To tell you how fascinating you look
In your lovely new flowing red dress
To tell you, you are the women in red
Red rosy cheeks
Red full lips
Red rosy ripe bosom
Your lovely cheeks flushed
on red with embarrassment
With me telling you how beautiful you look
In front of the whole wide world
Jumping up and down like a kid
Telling you how much I love you
In front of the whole world
My lovely my Pene
You know, I lie when I say I love you
I just love to lie
And I lie to you with all my passion
With all my love for you
Your gentle touch soft like the feather
Your gentle smile
Like a million springs blossoming together
You are the love of my heart
You steal my soul just with your smile
My lovely Pene
My lovely Penelope
My lovely queen of hearts
My lovely Devika the queen of Devis
I love you
I love you
I love you…..