Divisha Agrawal Mittal



Divisha Agrawal Mittal


Lost KEy

Lost KEy

1 min

There is a lock on my heart,

The key to it, lost in darkness,

Attraction, lust, friendship all have tried 

In vain, 

Because it’s locked with pain!

They say I am stone-hearted,

Dried, arid, thorny emotions I bear,

Arrogant, Selfish, Egotistic, so many names

They called,

And tied me further, to my own chains!

None try to find the key to unshackle me,

They leave me with my loneliness,

Acceptance, Respect, Identity

, all I ask

From them,

And for once,come dance with me in the rain! 

Sunshine they seek from me,

None when found, they depart in despair

Ruined, flawed, Broken, all this and more 

I am,

Come seek me here, in the caverns of my shame!

Once you find me, take me with you,

To the meadows with wildflowers,

Love, Encompassing, Ethereal, the only key,

To open,

My locked heart and make me whole again!

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