Sneha Gupta

Tragedy Inspirational Others


Sneha Gupta

Tragedy Inspirational Others

COVID-19: The Rising Danger

COVID-19: The Rising Danger

1 min

You came like a strong wind and made yourself sinned.

You stuck our thoughts in prison.

And changed our decisions.

The virus in you is tiny but did an irony.

You didn't only made us prisoners,

But locked our yearning in prisons.

You taught us being cooperative,

The way to tackle any social disaster,

The need of personal time and what family is to us.

Now, people have changed and made a better version of themselves.

Much concerned about the environment!

A new way of living has emerged!

The world has emerged as a new world.

And we have now realised the robotic way we were living and neglecting the power of the nature.

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