Borrowed Time
Borrowed Time
Walks away an old man slowly,
Pity in our eyes, rushing to help.
Praying for his age while holding him closely,
Guilty of counting the years left.
Runs a child in the park giggly,
Hope in our hearts, picking his toys.
Praying for his future while holding him closely
Excited we wonder of what lies ahead of him.
Ask a man his intent for tomorrow,
His words would stretch to the day after.
Ask a lady young,
And her thoughts would never end.
chool shifts to office;
And office into a senior's garden.
Tricking is Time.
Seducing our youth with adventures
And promises of infinite vigor.
Claiming the middle with responsibilities
And dreams of happy later.
Lulling the years of sunset with medicines
And memories greater.
Planning like a king,
Living like immortals,
Valuing the present even lesser,
Forgetting are we,
To not take anything granted for,
We live on time borrowed.